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First Run

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I got my New RPi3 and since it's very easy for me to add an HDMI and keyboard that's how I fired it up. Immediately I got the splash screen but I couldn't do anything because at the bottom of the monitor I was being asked if I wanted to perform an update. I assume this does not display when going through Putty.

Anyways, I answered yes and when the machine finished I was left at a prompt. So...I made another image and I'm going to try again.

I can't seem to get past the initial screen with 9 options. So I'm going to try via Putty after I make another new image (not taking any chances)

Brian H:
RPi3 or RPi3+?
I ran into issues with a RPi3 and V1.1 myself. So I will be following the thread closely.
Beta 8 installed with no hitches during early testing.

RPi 3B+

Booting to the img was impossible beyond the first screen. Couldn't do a thing via Putty, got closer but nowhere where I should have been with a monitor and a keyboard.
What a f*****g mess. Since for now I don't have any X10 devices in the mix, I decided to abandon the pre-configured process. I installed the latest OS then separately I installed Homegenie for s***s and giggles.

I will say this, that accessing the RPi3 with HG from my main PC is lightning fast. Nothing like trying to run it in Windows 10. I may try some X10 stuff once I get comfortable with this but for now I'm up and running HG but no HA-Bridge, yet.

Through all that, having gone from AHP to HomeSeer and now to Homegenie, I'm going back to HomeSeer. For someone with an almost complete X10 system Homegenie might make sense (probably does) but with my few X10 devices sitting in boxes it just doesn't make sense to stop and learn something else. Through all this, I've got a new RPi3 B+ that I'll fool around with and see what I can mess up. That part should be easy.  :P

Homeseer is antiquated by today's GUI standards (powerful but not intuitive), Homegenie is too GUI (pretty, but difficult to get around at least for me).

Pardon the rambling on New Year's Eve. Happy New Year.

Brian H:
Glad to see you got what you needed running. If you have no X10 a clean instillation and not the image maybe the best way to go.

This is from memory as I didn't write down, the exact chain of events. So take it for what in maybe worth.

I also didn't get past the first screen with a monitor and keyboard method.
I did some things after the monitor went dark, like Control C and did get some garbage on the screen. I then hit return and got an invalid command but the prompt came back. Then I did a sudo raspi-config and got the configuration screen. Chose finish and then at the prompt a sudo shutdown now. Then power back up and got a little farther.

If I went the SSH route. The green activity LED flash awhile like it was starting to install. Then the LED pulsed a few times a minute and my router didn't give it an IP address. So PuTTY would not work

I have a network watcher https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/wireless_network_watcher.htmlprogram that runs in the background. Seeing a new item, I used Putty to try and get in but couldn't. I think it was because SSH hadn't been enabled (not sure which image this was. Going back and forth between images get confusing.

I also remember seeing a prompt asking me if I wanted to enable HA-Bridge. I answered no, then got a prompt asking if I wanted to delete it whereupon I also answered no. After that I still had a blank screen.

It's a new year so I'm going to try again. I'll report back.


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