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Author Topic: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22  (Read 30471 times)

carmine pacifico

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Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2005, 02:52:21 PM »

Roger H

You are right, but I only upgrade or
purchase a new computer only if the old one
not longer serves me.
As far as Insteon, if users and 3rd party
vendors do not embrace it may no go far, I
am not so sure I want to beta test new
products for free again, CM15a and AHP has
been bad enough experience that I will wait
for other peoples to be the guinea pigs
this time around.


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Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2005, 04:50:35 PM »

Well guys,
I to like being on the "bleeding edge".  I
purchased the Insteon starter kit, and I
can tell you that it is everything that X10
should have been after being around so
long.  The starter kit is very basic,  1
tabletop controller, 2 RF receivers, and 2
lamp modules.  The equipment is very fast
and responsive.  There seems to be no
problems co habitating with X10 equipment.
It works as advertised.  I have a little
more faith in Smarthome than X10 thats why
I didn't hesitate to dive into the Insteon
arena.  You can assign X10 address to the
Insteon modules as well as address them
thru Insteon protocol.  The equipment is
well made and so far works as advertised.
Oh, and I can controll the lamp modules
from my 1132 CU thru X10 commands.

carmine pacifico

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Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2005, 05:24:12 PM »


I have no doubt of Smarthome quality, I
replaced some X10 switches with
ToggleLinc , great product worth the extra
cost, I think X10 is permanently off my
list of vendors.

richard the 1st

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Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2005, 11:48:57 PM »

The biggest problem with X10 are the
mentally challenged that do not recognize
where problems are originating.
Grant you, there are some shortcommings in
the software, but all in all my system
works, plain and simple.
I analize modules and controllers and
establish hardware performane based on
All my modules in various locations work as
per schedule. Like I said before X10 may be
trying too hard to satisfy dingalings
rather then the meat and potato crowd.
I have no  use for the mental giants that
find it necessaey to constantly piss in the


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Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2005, 08:26:05 AM »

Richard the 1st: Bravo!!! I haven't posted
much lately because I've been watching the
chefs and the stew (as you put it).

Bottom line... Have a Problem? find it, fix
it, deal with X-10, if not satisfied, move
And, it you're still not as technically
savy as you may thing... get a pro!


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  • Roger H.
Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2005, 09:39:04 AM »

Richard the 1st    5/24/2005 11:04 AM
“I would recommend to concentrate on the
X10 units, make them all work! before
considering other makers!”

Richard the 1st    5/26/2005 08:48 PM
“All my modules in various locations work
as per schedule.”

Glad to see that in those 2.5 days you got
everything working.

richard the 1st

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Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2005, 12:22:20 PM »

"Roger H. 5/27/2005 06:39 AM
Richard the 1st    5/24/2005 11:04 AM
“I would recommend to concentrate on the
X10 units, make them all work! before
considering other makers!”

Richard the 1st    5/26/2005 08:48 PM
“All my modules in various locations work
as per schedule.”

Glad to see that in those 2.5 days you got
everything working."

Speaking like a true simpleton. I am
referring to odules of the stupid kind. The
ones one installs in outlets and wall
switches. As to those that I found not
working to expectations, there is no use
flogging a dead horse. This pleasure I
leave to masochists like you.
I am sure X10 will, given time, rectify
some of the hardware RF problems.
I am running MS Win 98 and there are
updates still coming up.
There are winners and there are losers, no
doubt in my mind which challenged camp you
are supporting.


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Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2005, 12:59:08 PM »

guys, this the x10 forum not the crap on
anyone with an opinion forum. stop quoting
each other like a bunch of whiney children
and lets get back to the real reason why we
are all here!!!


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  • Roger H.
Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2005, 01:22:16 PM »

This thread is reminding me of why I
stopped reading Usenet over a decade ago.
I got tired of the flame wars.

These forums are great for sharing ideas
and helping people who are having
problems.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not
against discussion and debate, but lets try
to focus on the problems, not the people.
Insults will not help anyone.  I realize
that I am as guilty as others in this and
for that I am sorry.

richard the 1st

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Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2005, 07:10:49 PM »

"This is more of an annoyance than anything
since it does work properly with C5 BSOLUTE
100% but I should be able to dim C5 in the
Ergo, problem is in the software, no?
if I want to."


richard the 1st

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Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2005, 07:18:50 PM »

BTW! This forum software S T I N K S!

Can't edit, etc., etc,. etc. The message
window is too small!


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  • Roger H.
Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2005, 12:43:23 AM »

Richard: Yes it is a software problem.  I
said in an earlier post that I only have
one and it is minor.  That is it.

As for the message window, I do most of my
editing in Word and then paste it into the
forum.  That way you get the added benefit
of a spell checker.

richard the 1st

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Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #27 on: May 28, 2005, 12:28:31 PM »

My point on the forum software; It is the
overall impression one gets from it. Looks
like some banana republic product. How do
you expect to present an admirable
impression peddling your wares walking in
sandals. In my past I did sell Fuller Brush
stuff. Who would buy anything from a
dilapidated individual or company? That’s
what the forum software presents. YAK!
Having to use MS Word to enter text is
bordering on asinine!


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Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #28 on: May 28, 2005, 07:18:08 PM »

Are there other X10 manufacturers that offer
"real time" discussion forums ?  Where ?
I think this forums architecture is quite
adaquate although I think Roger H's. solution
for spell check is spiffy.


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Re: [When Can We Expect The] Next Update? 2005-05-22
« Reply #29 on: May 28, 2005, 10:02:17 PM »

SteveRF: The other manufacturers don't have to offer a
real time forum because their stuff works. I installed items
from another manufacturer two months ago and I haven't
had one problem yet. Your defense of X10 is sweet but a
little misguided. These forums are here and they are busy
because the product is flawed.
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