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Title: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: Gunfighterzero on June 16, 2009, 07:43:38 PM
I found 6 wireless intercoms with VOX on ebay so i am going to attempt a whole house voice control system with BVC. Since i am kind of a newb in BVC land i though i would run a few questions past the experts first

When tapping in to the speaker circuit of the icom (to run into the mic on the computer) has anyone tried to tie into the preamp circuit on the IC board of the icom and not just the speaker as to not overload the Mic input?

And going the other way has anyone found a cheap way to reduce speaker input to the icom mic and still have full use of their computer speakers on the same sound card

Do you really need two sound cards to get a full duplex sound system?

I know this stuff has been posted before but it has been awhile back and i didnt know if anyone would see it if i tacked it onto those.

Thanks for any help


Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: HA Dave on June 16, 2009, 09:46:59 PM
I found 6 wireless intercoms with VOX on ebay so i am going to attempt a whole house voice control system with BVC. Since i am kind of a newb in BVC land i though i would run a few questions past the experts first

Cool. Intercoms are great for BVC. Although not every intercom will work OK. I tried one set of wireless that used a digital signal over the powerline (sound familiar?). It made my X10 lights dim everytime I spoke... and X10 signals made it click. But others have had better luck.

When tapping in to the speaker circuit of the icom (to run into the mic on the computer) has anyone tried to tie into the preamp circuit on the IC board of the icom and not just the speaker as to not overload the Mic input?

I am not sure I understand that question... but never use the Mic input... for anything other than a microphone. If using a device... like a CD player or INTERCOM... use the LINE IN.

And going the other way has anyone found a cheap way to reduce speaker input to the icom mic and still have full use of their computer speakers on the same sound card

Do you really need two sound cards to get a full duplex sound system?

Once again... I am a little fuzzy with the question. One soundcard works just fine for me. I just turn-down the volume on (line in) input... then I use a computer speaker (out put) as a pre-amp for other computer speakers. Even when using the line in... be sure to MUTE it. Mute will keep the computer from putting the line in sound out on the speakers. Just check the (radio button) for mute in the sounds setup.

I know this stuff has been posted before but it has been awhile back and i didnt know if anyone would see it if i tacked it onto those.
Thanks for any help


Always nice to post (and read more) about BVC. I even have a BVC Fan Site (http://www.davesdomainonline.com/bvc/bvc.htm). Welcome aboard Andy!
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: Gunfighterzero on June 16, 2009, 10:22:04 PM

Thanks for the reply i have seen your fansite and have gotten some cool ideas from there.

I didn't know BVC would pick up sound from the line in. i assumed it would only pick up from the mic input. so i guess that solves that problem.

but on any sound equipment like an intercom, radio,tape player etc.  The sound is amplified before it goes to the speaker so naturally there is a pre-amped line level circuit in there also. i figured i would tap into that circuit to go strait the mic input on the computer there by reducing any extra amplified noise and unnecessary high level to the mic input but if the line in will work that will save me extra trouble.

I had read somewhere in the forums that someone else used 2 sound cards(one for mic, one for speakers) with better results with an intercom system

You are still using the baby monitor set up aren't you? do you get sound fed back to the monitors in other rooms from the computer?

Thanks again Dave


Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: HA Dave on June 16, 2009, 10:59:54 PM
...........I had read somewhere in the forums that someone else used 2 sound cards(one for mic, one for speakers) with better results with an intercom system

Could be... I don't remember that. I do know of a couple people who had to replace the soundcard... for a better one I would guess. Also a couple people have used a second card for MP3's... to play their music selections... separate and apart from BVC.

One soundcard can easily handle the demands of BVC.

You are still using the baby monitor set up aren't you? do you get sound fed back to the monitors in other rooms from the computer?

Yes I am... and never actually decided to do that. I was testing different ways to get my voice to the computer. I had always planned on using intercoms myself. But the cheapie baby monitors work so well... I just stopped testing.

I have never had any feedback problems. Feedback is caused when the MUTE isn't checked. Be sure to lookover your sounds setup in "control panel". Muting the microphone/line in completely resolves the feedback issues.

But monitors or intercoms... most of the setup is the same. You will find links to all the info you could ever need for a microphone setup at my fan Site.

PLEASE NOTE:  I also make videos... family stuff as well as YouTube videos. When feeding a video/audio source into a computer... if the line in (or microphone) was muted... you wouldn't be able to hear what you input. For that reason... muting the input is NOT the default setting. You have to hunt down that setting for your system... and mute the input.
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: Gunfighterzero on June 17, 2009, 10:43:00 AM
 when i said:  You are still using the baby monitor set up aren't you? do you get sound fed back to the monitors in other rooms from the computer?

I meant do you hear the computers responses on your remote baby monitors?
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: HA Dave on June 17, 2009, 03:31:45 PM
.... I meant do you hear the computers responses on your remote baby monitors?

Oh no. The baby monitors I use are the $17.99 a set, el-cheapies. Sound only goes one way with them.... from the microphone (sending unit) to the receiver. To get sound(s) around the house I use PC speakers.

I am an old wire-twister myself so I hardwired the speaker sets. I used half of one set (the speaker with the amplifier in it) as a pre-amp for the other amplified speakers. I did this to keep from drawing too much from my soundcard. I did pick up a set of wireless music senders from X10.... but I haven't used them as-of-yet.

The real advantage of the intercoms are you don't need to have the microphone setup... AND then.. also a speaker setup. Plus... most mic-and-speaker setups require a bit of hiding both the microphones and the speakers. Whereas the intercoms are generally handily set out.. or hung.. in a common area. The addition of the VOX on the newer intercoms make them a GREAT choice for a BVC setup.

OF COURSE... intercom or baby monitor.. both require a slight modification to connect them to the computer. although some intercoms have an audio input (normally, for feeding music) You will still most likely need to dedicate one to the PC. Using a stereo plug you can can solder a connection to the intercoms speaker to connect it to the computers line in input.

s0urc3f0ur posted his mod (http://forums.x10.com/index.php?topic=14534.msg80929#msg80929) info including pictures. s0urc3f0ur not only taught himself to solder to do this mod... if I remember correctly.. he learned how to do dry wall too.
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: Gunfighterzero on June 18, 2009, 06:01:47 PM
s0urc3f0ur posted his mod info including pictures. s0urc3f0ur not only taught himself to solder to do this mod... if I remember correctly.. he learned how to do dry wall too.
   soldering and drywall X10 will make anybody a handyman :-)

He is one i got the 2 soundcard idea from and the inspiration to try my own intercom mod... I hope it works out ok i am still impatienly waiting for UPS to deliver them
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: HA Dave on June 19, 2009, 11:16:45 AM
... I hope it works out OK i am still impatiently waiting for UPS to deliver them

Before BVC (http://www.wgjohns.com/bvc.htm)... the only setups available... were extremely pricey. The "recommended microphone setup" (gated hardwired) was a job for a professional... and could cost several thousand dollars.

When I first discovered BVC (http://davesdomainonline.com/bvc/bvc.htm)... I was impressed. But it was obvious that a cheaper easier way had to be found to get the users voice to the PC. Much of that old BXVC thread (http://forums.x10.com/index.php?topic=13387.msg70939#msg70939) was about just that. My approach was very simple because I have no real audio knowledge. For me to make it work... it had to be simple... and easy.

glt (a homeseer user) had discovered the intercom and introduced us to it. I tried a few things... and was surprised at how easy it could be to get a voice to a computer. If your intercoms work.... I am sure your setup will work out too. This thread can be a great place to document the entire process.
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: Gunfighterzero on June 19, 2009, 02:29:19 PM
OK how the heck do you get BVC to recognize line in instead of mic?
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: hawk1 on June 19, 2009, 02:54:26 PM
I believe you have to do that in windows control panel under speech.
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: Gunfighterzero on June 19, 2009, 04:30:51 PM
Thanks Hawk that did the trick... :)%
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: HA Dave on June 19, 2009, 08:18:58 PM
And don't forget to mute the line in input. That prevents any feedback issues.

image attached
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: hawk1 on June 20, 2009, 09:48:43 AM
Gunfighterzero, your very welcome.  Glad you got it going.    :)%
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: Gunfighterzero on June 20, 2009, 05:21:35 PM
And don't forget to mute the line in input. That prevents any feedback issues.

image attached

Yea i figured that out real quick when the dog starting howling at the computer  ;D

It is still not responding as well as the mic did but a little more retraining and fiddling with the input volume its getting better every time. The Vox part is pretty well worthless since it comes in late and pops every time it comes on..i might have to stick down the talk button and put it on a motion in every room

Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: HA Dave on July 02, 2009, 04:01:36 PM
.... a little more retraining and fiddling with the input volume its getting better every time.

I just realized that even the early StarShips (U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC 1701) used an intercom. Where No Man Has Gone Before (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXuRfmApREc) (Season 1 Episode 3).
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: HA Dave on July 08, 2009, 06:54:12 PM
It was always only a matter of time.... till the Star Trek cast would appear in a BVC Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enwH3TOezAw).
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: Dan Lawrence on July 08, 2009, 07:24:12 PM
Dave, you have much to much time on your hands  :D :D :D
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: -Bill- (of wgjohns.com) on July 08, 2009, 09:50:48 PM
It was always only a matter of time.... till the Star Trek cast would appear in a BVC Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enwH3TOezAw).

That is so cool!   8)

Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: HA Dave on July 08, 2009, 10:00:03 PM
Dave, you have much to much time on your hands  :D :D :D

That... is a fact!!!!
Title: Re: going to try wireless intercom system to control BVC any help welcome
Post by: s0urc3f0ur on July 16, 2009, 07:49:27 PM
if I remember correctly.. he learned how to do dry wall too.

I did! But only because I find  sleeping in my own bed more comfortable then the couch  :angel: