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Author Topic: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working  (Read 39905 times)


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X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« on: March 11, 2005, 03:25:20 PM »

I have the new RadioShack security system
(49-1000) and purchased a X-10 Powerhouse
Powerhorn siren and tried it with the
system and it doesn't work. I have a lamp
module that works fine and both the siren
and the lamp module are set the same. I
plugged the siren into the lamp module and
I can hear the siren buzzing when I use
the  remote to turn the module on and off
but no  siren sounds. Any suggetions?


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2005, 04:59:41 PM »

As an addendum to this message, I can plug
the siren into any outlet in the house and
it sounds after 2 cycles of the on-off on
the remote. What could be keeping it from
sounding when the console alarm is
triggered? The lamp module makes the light
go on and off so I know that signal is
being sent.

Brian H

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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2005, 08:44:29 PM »

maybe the feature that flashes two lamp
codes and the second one confuses the
powerhorn. As I described in the other
thread. Hope to have a few tests done
tomorrow, with a powerhorn and a controller
that can be sequenced.


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2005, 09:39:09 PM »

Ensure the horn is on the same housecode. Use
unit code 13, just incase it's one of the
older systems. I don't know why it wouldn't
work. Hmm.

Brian H

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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2005, 10:58:27 AM »

Using the bigger brother PH508 set to A6 and
using the next highest A7. I tried some
tests and think depending on the order the
RS unit sends the Lamp ON-OFF sequence. The
powerhorn may not work when the console
triggers, Sending the dual lamp ON-OFF
sequences. You may want to try an
exoeriment. Set the powerhorn to the same
address as the button 1. Then start sending
button 1 on; button 2 on; button 1 off and
button 2 off. See if you then trigger the

Brian H

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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2005, 11:04:50 AM »

Oh another test to see if both lamp
addresses are being sent. If you have an
extra lamp module. Address it to the next
higher unit address from what the console
lamp unit address is set to. That should be
the second unit address used for the second
lamp flashing. Then trigger the console and
see if both the main lamp unit address and
next unit address flash lights when
triggered. You maybe even able to watch the
lamps to see the sequence of commands.
Remember if the main lamp address is unit 16
the second one will be unit 1


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2005, 12:10:06 PM »

Here is what I have discovered. The
powerhorn siren has to be set on A - 1 for
the remote to turn it on and off. Here's
the interesting part and maybe someone can
figure this out - when I use the on-off
sequence on the remote after 2 times the
alarm sounds. I noticed when my console
alarm is triggered, the light on the light
module flashes on and off slowly (2-3
seconds between on and off) but when I was
pushing the on-off buttons on the remote, I
was doing it faster (.5 - 1 second
between). When I slowed down to 2 - 3
seconds between on and off on the remote,
the powerhorn siren didn't sound. What can
I do to speed up the console signal? (By
the way, I tried unit code 13 and it didn't
work and I only have 1 lamp module).

Brian H

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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2005, 02:26:53 PM »

Is the lamp module also on A1? Try moving
the lamp module to A2 and see if it also
flashes when the console is triggered. By
the way A1 is the default for most X10
stuff. So if you didn't change the settings
in the menu A1 is what will be sent out.
Another test. Without changing the console
defaults. Set the siren on A2 and use button
2 on the remote. That will show if A2 is the
second address in default settings.

Brian H

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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2005, 02:33:47 PM »

To set the House and Unit Codes along with
the lamp addresses. In the Main Menu. The
Options choice gives you a second set of
choices. That is where you set the house
code, unit code for the lamps etc. If not
set I believe A1 is the first lamp address
and A2 is the second. The second unit
address is one above the first one as only
it can be set. If the first unit is 16 then
the address loops back and the second
adderss is 1

Brian H

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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2005, 02:36:27 PM »

If the console is sending two addresses when
triggered it maybe confusing the siren
module and it may not work with that system.
First lets see what you find in the other
tests before we do other things.


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2005, 03:20:11 PM »

The console was set for A1 and the lamp
module is A1. I changed the siren to A2 and
it doesn't sound but the B button on the
remote makes it sound if I press the on-off
buttons fast enough. Any other ideas?

Brian H

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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2005, 04:38:56 PM »

I am fairly sure that your console sends
both addresses when tripped. You could set
the lamp module on A2 just to see if it also
flashes when the console is tripped.
From your description it sounds like the
console you have is sending the ON-OFF codes
to both A1 and A2 one after the other. This
maybe too slow for the SH10A to respond or
the second code maybe canceling the proper
sequence for it to trip. I know that my
tests with the big brother PH508 was very
touchy if I sent the code it was on and then
the next highest.
R.S. Sells the SH10A and says it is
compatible with the 49-25551 Security
Console. Which sure looks like the DS7000
X10 Security Console. Your model was not
listed as compatible with the SH10A, but
sometimes web pages are not current. Will be
thinking and may have more ideas.


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2005, 05:34:43 PM »

I tried the siren on A1 and the lamp on A2.
The lamp still flashes but the siren
doesn't sound. I told the RS person I
ordered the siren from what system I had
and they didn't say it wasn't compatible.
But, they probably wouldn't know. If I had
a way to shorten the on-off signal from the
console I believe the siren would work.
But, I don't see any way to change that.

Brian H

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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2005, 02:34:03 PM »

Yes I also believe that the added time
needed to flash the second lamp address. Is
making the ON-OFF cycle to the SH10A too
long and it times out. Could also be that
the extra address in the mix may reset the
SH10A. I didn't see any choices like flash
only one lamp address in the setup. I also
think if the lamp address was for a single
one the SH10A would work as advertised. If I
think of anything I will post it. Hope maybe
another mind on this from another user may
have your solution.


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2005, 01:32:21 PM »

Do you think the PH508 siren would work
with this system or does it work on the
same basic principle as the SH10A?
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