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Author Topic: Another less than happy AHP user  (Read 6897 times)

robert schulz

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Another less than happy AHP user
« on: April 14, 2005, 10:34:29 AM »

X10 congratulations. You have convinced me
that it really is time to get a controller
from Smarthome. Since I need several new
switches and outlets in my home addition I
know where those will come from also. It is
really sad that my cm11 died after many
years. I fight my x10 controller my dad got
the Smarthome home, this weekend his worked
flawlessy, I get back and I have lights on in
the middle of the day that should be only on
at night. Lights that should come on that
evening don't. Seems sad that after years of
a basic controller that worked I got suckered
into a "advanced" pile of @#%$^$. WHen I
called for an RMA I am passed my 30 days so I
can exchange it only. Why exchange it, are
the new ones any better than current ones ?
Or is it just another way of putting me off.
I guess I will just be another advertisement
to go to Smnarthome when you want working
things and go to X10 when you just want to
play and don't care if it works correctly.
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