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HomeSeer Sale - May 2019

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dave w:
I have HS3 running 127 "Events" and 138 "Devices". The only plug-in I need is the free X10 CM11/TI103. The CM15 plug-in is also free.

Yeah there is a ton of plug-ins, but most are very narrow scope - product specific. https://shop.homeseer.com/search?type=product&q=plug-in .

I think the HS3 "Pro" is a big rip off. It is HS3 with all the plug-ins for a plus 350 bucks. Many of the Blade plug-ins are free and most of his stuff is good. But many of the paid plug-ins over lap and do the same thing, only from different developers. I pity the person buying the "Pro" Homeseer thinking he is getting the Cadillac version when he is really getting the base version with a giant bag of trinkets he likely can not use. However the base  HS3 is a pretty good deal at the "sale" price $125. 


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