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Have you Upgraded from ActiveHome to ActiveHomePro?


I'm just wondering how many users of the old ActiveHome have upgraded to AtiveHomePro with or with out problems!
It may just be me but it seems that most of the unhappy users are longtime X10ers ones that used (ActiveHome) or newbies.

Dan Lawrence:
I still think the majority of problems with AHP lie in the Add-Ons.  How many AHP users really need a souped up macro program like Smart Macros? How many AHP users need to access their systems though the WWW?

The only "problem I have is that AHP doesn't update module status properly.  The CM15A handles timers and a single macro properly. Lights go on and off acording to the timer schedules.

I think you mean Plug-ins. Addons or Thirdparty software are things made with the SDK (but not always) and don't need AHP running to use and don't cause AHP hangups.
Well this maybe a problem as well but I have all plugins only because I beta tested and have very little problems(minor cosmetic stuff).
Smartmacro is realy a must have plug-in, iWitness if you have cams but you can get arround this plug-in with other means! as you can for the MyHouse Online Plug-in.
I'm thinkin users trying to use tried and true setups with newer technology some of the older stuff isn't needed with AHP and only causes problems!
But it does seem to be the power users that have the most problems!


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