X10 AirPad Android Tablet > AirPad General Discussions

USB connection to digital camers


Has anyone had success downloading files from a digital camera to the Airpad? I want to take mine on vacation and use it to see my photos in a largr format than on my camera.

HA Dave:

--- Quote from: rlcasseljr on September 24, 2011, 04:09:51 PM ---Has anyone had success downloading files from a digital camera to the Airpad? I want to take mine on vacation and use it to see my photos in a largr format than on my camera.

--- End quote ---

Won't the AirPad read a USB drive? Why not use a USB flashcard reader?

Thanks for the hint, Dave. It definitely works. I found a Polaroid 72-in-1 USB reader on Amazon for under 10 bucks and it does the job. As for other posts about mounting/unmounting USB drives - I've just plugged and unplugged with no trouble. The Android OS has its act together so far as I can tell.


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