X10 Community Forum
🖥️ActiveHome Pro => Plug-ins => OnAlert => Topic started by: Grandpa David on December 18, 2006, 06:57:23 PM
Has anyone devised a way (macro?) where a module can be turned on/off as the system is armed or disarmed...a visual indicator that the signal was indeed received?? I have all the AHP add-ons now, but am not very proficient with them.
I can "transmit" and arm the security console (and also incorporate a "dummy" switch or a light) with a macro. That way I can see on the screen that the macro ran, but the security icon on AHP will not change.
This can be done very easily BUT you MUST follow these steps![li]Add security remote or key flob
[li]Make sure the check box that states "this device is installed in a security console" is checked
[li] Install the security device
.[/li][/b][/color][/list][/size]Now when you click arm the little icon (bottom left of AHP) will change from unlocked to a red house this also adds the options instant arm /disarm and some others to the security commands
[li]Make a macro
[li]Select security
[li]Select the remoteor key flob
[li]Select the trigger in this case "instant arm"
[li]Drag the light you wish to activate into the macro
[li]Make sure the state of the light is set as on
[li]Save the macro
Make another macro for the disarm and save it
Note:[/b] the light will not come on/off instantly it takes a few seconds ::)
That's exactly what I was trying to do. Thanks much!!
One more question though... :) ; since you're programming for me, will each remote or key fob require its own macro, or do you have some magic for that one, too??
You'll have to make the macros for each security Device!
There is another way but this is the easier way! ;) :D ;D