X10 Community Forum
🖥️ActiveHome Pro => ActiveHome Pro General => Topic started by: jayhalloran on June 28, 2008, 06:26:26 PM
I have an extra MS10A and I am thinking of installing it on my back deck in a place that is never in the sun and is protected from rain. The problem is that the temperature here in Las Vegas is often above 100 F. As a matter of fact, as I write this the temperature is 105 F. Rain is never a problem. My question is: Has anybody ever used one of these in a very hot but dry climate? I don't much care if it works during the day but am hoping that it will function during the dark hours. Any experience you can share would be appreciated.
Do regular motion sensor lights work in that kind of heat? I don't understand how an infrared sensor can differentiate a 98.6 degree human with a 100 degress ambient surrounding temperature. However it should work fine a night with the cooler air.
Yes, I was wondering how the sensor would work when the ambiant air and walls are 10 to 20 degrees warmer than a human body. I guess I'll just experiment with it and report back here what I discover.
The temperature outside is a balmy 107 right now. I set up a simple test with the Motion Sensor to turn on the porch light if there is motion. It works just fine. The sensor is regestered into AHP but not into the security system. It worked both before the sensor reached ambience and after a half hour soak. So now I know.
I find that VERY HELPFUL #:) +1!