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🖥️ActiveHome Pro => ActiveHome Pro General => Help & Troubleshooting => Topic started by: sashaeagle on November 02, 2008, 03:00:38 PM
-:) I know it's probably the operator, however, I went and bought a Sentenial. I realized that it wasn't an option in my version of AHP, so I went and downloaded the newest version. Much to my surprise, cameras wasn't an option. It's not listed on the left side, they just plain aren't there, non of them. Neither is my former setup. Someone turn the lightbulb on for me, please. Thanks, Viki
You have to install the AHP plug-in "iWitness" to get the cameras....
-:) I figured that out shortly afterward. Told you it was the operator. I'm hoping that you can also shed some light for me with this next part. I called tech support for another question, and was advised to use Vanguard instead of ActiveHome Pro. I had purchased the application awhile ago, so I tried it. Downloaded the newest version, and used the multiplexor that I had invested in... Whoopee I actually see 4 cameras. However, the reason I'm seeing all 4 is that the multiplexor is on the 4 camera display. The application is on the one page. I need to think this through, because I'd be willing to bet that the application is going to see these 4 cameras as one, and I won't be able to do anything with the individual cameras. I'm thinking that it has something to do with the addresses on the cameras. I sure need someone to help me with this. My goal is to be able to check in on home from where ever I am. I've been advised by tech support that I'll have access from my blackberry. I think that would be soooooo cool. Anyway, here's hoping that you're enjoying the day. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Did I read you as saying the X10 guys told you that you can access Vanguard and your cameras via blackberry?
What version of Vanguard?
When I had Vanguard installed, I could see individual cameras. They must be addressed with adjacent UNITCodes on the same HouseCode, C1, C2, C3, C4 - or C6,C7, C8, C9. etc.