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🖥️ActiveHome Pro => Plug-ins => Smart Macros => Topic started by: gator.bigfoot on December 18, 2009, 12:26:06 PM

Title: Macro seems to function but module doesn't
Post by: gator.bigfoot on December 18, 2009, 12:26:06 PM
I've been trying to get a macro to turn on lights, dim lights and turn off lights.  What I have is 3 dimmer modules.  I want all three modules to turn on by pressing a button on my remote.  I wrote the macro to turn them on to 100%.  I can press the run macro button on my screen and I can see all 3 modules turn on on my screen, but the physical module does not respond.  The same goes for the off and dim macro I wrote.  I can even get the macro to run from my remote, but again the modules do no respond.  They show on or off, but do not do anything.  When I actually toggle the module itself on the screen or from the remote it works, but the macro seems to only function in a "simulator" mode.  Any ideas what I am doing wrong?


Title: Re: Macro seems to function but module doesn't
Post by: Tuicemen on December 18, 2009, 01:07:18 PM
There are a multitude of things that it could be.
poor configuration ( no addresses set to transceive)
you forgot to download to the interface.
you forgot to empty the recycle bin
and the list goes on.......
There are a number of trouble shooting threads created by me and others on the forum read them!
Sorry if I sound like an old Fart, I am!  rofl
If you still have a problem state what you have tried, we really need more info.
Title: Re: Macro seems to function but module doesn't
Post by: gator.bigfoot on December 20, 2009, 12:19:28 PM
Your certainly right about multitude of things it could be.  Ultimately it was the XPDI3 module I chose.  By reading Boiler's articles on switching it to a LM14 it worked for the most part.  Still have to go through his soft start dimmer post, because the lights turn on and off sequentially not simultaneously. 

Also, having problems with one of the modules controlling an MR16 based lamp. It turns on, but not off.  It goes dim and then goes bright again.  I know there are a number of posts regarding noise that could do this.  Still needs more investigation.  Does anyone have any experience with the filters fixing this?

Title: Re: Macro seems to function but module doesn't
Post by: Dan Lawrence on December 20, 2009, 02:54:00 PM
MR16 are Halogin lamps. Those should work with a XPID3.   Perhaps there is a noise problem on that circuit.