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🛡Home Security => Problems and Troubleshooting => Topic started by: magee31 on July 28, 2010, 01:04:10 PM
I am a little old, and have trouble trying to read the security system manual, its in PDF form, two pages to one normal size page, and the printing is to small to read.
I would like one page to a 8- 11 page size, any way to do it ?
You can blow it up on screen, but I think you need the full blown Adobe Acrobat (Pro) program to change actual print size.
You can select text in a .pdf, copy it and then paste into a Word document. At this point you can play with font size as you wish.
Also, depending on your printer -
After you hit print, go into properties (my printer print screen has this option) and you may be able to choose the option to print one page per sheet.
My printer wont do it and cant seem to find a way to cut and paste and all that stuff.
All I would like is each page on one normal size page, and cant find a way to do it.
If you can post the title and/or online location of the manual, I can probably make the font bigger or print it one page per sheet.
Then we can figure a way to get it to you.
Or, email it to me at Sci.Instrument.Svc@gmail.com (http://Sci.Instrument.Svc@gmail.com) and I'll see what I can do.
It's probably this one for the DS7000, but I'm not sure what he needs either: ftp://ftp.x10.com/pub/manuals/ds7000-om.pdf
It's probably this one for the DS7000, but I'm not sure what he needs either: ftp://ftp.x10.com/pub/manuals/ds7000-om.pdf
Magee31 emailed it to me and I will finish it tomorrow and email it back to him.