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🖥️ActiveHome Pro => ActiveHome Pro General => Help & Troubleshooting => Topic started by: peg-leg on December 23, 2010, 12:02:47 PM
Need some help. I'm trying to have AHP send me an email anytime my DS7000 Alarm console is triggered. I've tried several different macros but not work. I am getting some odd results. I'm using the latest version of AHP 3.296 with all plug-ins currently available.
My DS7000 is set to house code E with module 9 for the security light.
Macro 1:
E9 on
turn on Appliance module B11
Macro 2:
B11 on
send email to XXXXXXXXXX
I get an email when I arm the alarm only. In AHP when I arm the alarm, I can see E9 come on and then go off, just as it should. A few moments later I get the email.
When I hit the panic button for a test, I see E9 come on and off in AHP, but never get an email.
When I trip any of my alarm sensors, I see E9 come on and off in AHP, but never get an email.
I can't seem to figure this one out. It seems that if I get an email when arming, I should get one when the DS7000 is triggered. But that's just not happening.
I've tried doing one Macro with E9 on, then send email, but that doesn't work either.
Any ideas?
....I've tried several different macros but not work....... My DS7000 is set to house code E with module 9 for the security light.
Macro 1:
E9 on
turn on Appliance module B11
Macro 2:
B11 on
send email to XXXXXXXXXX
I get an email when I arm the alarm only. .......
Theres your problem [in the big bold RED letters]. When triggered the alarm console sends an all lights on, all units off (for several minutes). It doesn't send the E9 on that your planning on.
True, but shouldn't the fact that E9 turns on in AHP still trigger the macro and therefore the email? My E9 WS467 repeatedly turns on and off physically and visually in AHP.
If I trigger E9 with my remote, the email is generated by the macro.
Your E9 Module isn't reacting to a E9 signal it is reacting to an Allon/Alloff signal
NO E9 signal is sent! which is what your macro is looking for.
If you wish to get an email from a true alarm condition you'll need a thirdparty software which will see that Allon/Alloff signal and react from it.
An OnAlert macro can do this also.
An OnAlert macro can do this also.
I don't see this option maybe you need a Mobile app to unlock this function.
I can trigger on an individual sensor trip. and that would require creating many macros one for each sensor.
Can you post a example JMac?
I wasn't specific enough, I guess. I have an OnAlert macro for each sensor to send a text message. I don't know how to send a text message for "All On/all off". Sorry!
Thanks for the info guys. Looks like this issue could be easily solved by x10 development and an update. You would think onalert would include this already.
For now, I can create an email macro using my individual door sensors.
I use BVC (Bill's Voice Commander) (http://www.davesdomainonline.com/bvc/bvc.htm). I have told Bill for years now... he should market a BVC Lite... as many people who may not wish to control there setups with Voice Commands would like many of the other functions. BVC can see and react to those all lights On and all units Off commands.
Since I have the speakers and everything already in place I have my Kate [Kate 16 bit computer voice] yell: "an intruder has been detected, the police have been called." Admittedly.... over the sirens its not likely anyone will ever clearly hear Kates repeated message. However I think the human sounding voice would add additional panic to the situation for any intruder. BVC could easily trigger a fake (or real) module so that AHP would then send the desired email.
It was BVC that also enabled me to create the Voice Warning perimeter detection that I show in this YouTube Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkAwQ4KXkHA). In this video... besides using a camera to display the area on my TV... the Floodlight (PR511) triggers a macro that turns ON an outside speaker and my Kate Voice announces the warning outside... before an intruder would breakin and trigger the alarm.
Actually I released a app that would watch for AllON/AllOFF and react on it.
see: [AHP Add-on] X10SW (http://forums.x10.com/index.php?topic=17541.0)
I released that freely before BVC even had that option!
The X10 team has failed to react to what users have been requesting for years, so I wouldn't count on this being added soon!
But I have been wrong before! rofl
It wasn't until November that x10SW became part of PcCompanions (http://www.angelfire.com/in2/ontkoi/X10AHP/PcCompanion.html) plug-in pack. But it is still a standalone app.
BVC can see and react to those all lights On and all units Off commands.
Thanks for the tip. I've had BVC for close to 6 months now and never paid attention to that function. I've wasted so much time trying to get the alarm email macro to work in AHP alone B:(. With BVC and a simple AHP macro, I got it working in less than ten minutes!
With BVC and a simple AHP macro, I got it working in less than ten minutes!
Bill (of wgjohns.com (http://www.wgjohns.com/bvc.htm)) should maybe get just a little bit of the credit for that feature. Since he was the one that thought of it... and programmed it into BVC (http://www.davesdomainonline.com/bvc/bvc.htm). It is a nice feature!
If you think about it... in addition to sending an email... you could send an RF signal to a unit one, of a House code that isn't used by anything.... have the macro delay for say two minutes... then send the RF an Off. Plug a TM751 into an outlet and plug an external bell or siren into the TM751. The external siren problem is solved.
BVC (http://www.davesdomainonline.com/bvc/bvc.htm) adds a lot of extra options to a home automation setup... as does a computer.