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🖥️ActiveHome Pro => ActiveHome Pro General => Topic started by: mike on May 15, 2005, 09:50:13 PM

Title: socket rocket
Post by: mike on May 15, 2005, 09:50:13 PM
I have 3 socket rockets outside over
garage.  All worked fine until bulbs went
out.  First time I unscrewed bulb and socket
rocket.  Next time I uncrewed bulb only.
Same outcome.  When new bulb is installed,
it stays on at all times.  Can't seem to
control rocket socket anymore.

Any ideas
Title: Re: socket rocket
Post by: roger1818 on May 15, 2005, 11:02:45 PM
Mike:  The triac in the socket rocket is
probably blown.  When a light bulb blows
out, there is often a large surge current.
If this surge current is large enough, it
can blow the triac in the lamp module (or
socket rocket in your case).  When this
happens, the triac will stay on
permanently.  If the socket rockets are
under warranty you can see if X10 will
replace them for you.  Otherwise, if you
are handy with a soldering iron you can try
to replace the trac yourself.  You can use
either a Radio Shack, part number 276-1000
or Digi-Key part number L4008L6-ND.  Just
make sure the triac has an isolated tab.
Title: Re: socket rocket
Post by: mike on May 16, 2005, 10:10:54 PM
Does it help to use lower watt bulbs?  I
think they are currently 60 or 75.  Tech
support recommended an inline module.
Title: Re: socket rocket
Post by: roger1818 on May 16, 2005, 10:32:49 PM
Mike:  I don’t think lower wattage bulbs
would make any difference.  The surge is a
result of arcing when the filament breaks.

I would expect that all X10 brand lamp
modules are equally susceptible since they
probably all use the same triac (I am not
saying that other brands are not
susceptible, just that other brands may use
a triac with a different current rating). A
relay (appliance) module will be much more
resistant (immune?) to this problem which
is probably what Tech Support was meaning
when suggesting that you use an in-line