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🖥️ActiveHome Pro => ActiveHome Pro General => Software Problems & Bugs => Topic started by: reible on January 06, 2005, 02:27:08 PM
On the this is strange I think post I talked
about having the cm15a disconnected but the
AHP software thinking it was connected and
"talking to the cm15a".
Now I have seen the cm15a connected and the
software again talking to the device,
clearing, loading macros, for all the world
looking like it was connected. You can flip
on light switch and the screen shows the
light coming on, the activity monitor shows
it happened but the light never came on and
when you poll the device it never comes back
with an responce. Now you can do all sorts
of hand contoller operations and have the
lights come on but the activity monitor never
sees it.
These two problems do not give me a warm
fuzzy feeling. Was this once a virtual game
and someone forgot to stub out that code and
add the code that really talks to the cm15a.
I will now work on a test so that I can be
sure what I clear or download to the cm15a it
has happened in real life......
Does your system tray show the "unplug or
eject hardware" icon. If you click it does
it show the CM15a is connected?
I continue to see reliable operation with
3.173. I even get (sim) sunrise at 5:30
every weekday morning. 2 timed macros and
one directly timed module all execute
exactly on time. Glad all you guys gave
3.175 a beta run before I was temped to look
at it.
Running xp home but computer is not
connected after dowloading.
I'm running windowsme and no icon appears....
While running AHP the little circle with
slash appears if it doesn't find the unit.
How ever I have seen it not showing that yet
having the usb unplugged..... I guess that
is worse then having it plugged in but the
system not talking to it but leaving you
thinking it is.... well maybe not....
Ed: Try unplugging from the USB port,
unplugging from power, removing the
batteries, then reconnecting everything.
Did you read the whole post? If I do all
that you say that is a reset and yes things
will get back to normal..... The issue is
that you get in this state and you don't even
know it until you start pulling your hair out
because of how things are "working" or "not
working" did the latest macro down load
download for real.... or just in the programs
It is clear that a download that says it is
downloaded should be acked by the software
and maybe even the hardware in the cm15a. It
is like the AHP software waits then send the
message to the screen that it has finished
when in the real world nothing has happened.
Is my point more clear now?
Sorry, Ed. I misread your most recent post --
I thought that you had it plugged in but
weren't getting notice that it was. I saw
this problem when you posted about it
yesterday. It's not something we've had
happen before. It sounds like somehow
ActiveHome Pro isn't receiving the start/stop
notices from the driver.
In normal operation, the do all the
confirmations and acknowledgements you
mention. As I said yesterday, something weird
is happening for you to see this. I don't
know what it is however.
BTW on the "other forum" a person with a
working AHP has seen something very much like
what I see and he is using an uptodate copy
of XP. I was glad to see his post it gives
me hope that soon things will be better.