X10 Community Forum
🖥️ActiveHome Pro => ActiveHome Pro General => Wish List => Topic started by: jack casual on October 14, 2004, 08:44:39 PM
Now that we have a single transceiver for
all 256 house codes, how about a remote
control that will EASILY allow control (vs
turning a circular switch)....
A remote that would easily allow me to control alll modules in my house without having to create macros, use a coin to turn from A-P, or to switch from 1-8 to 9-16 would be great. This type of remote is usually found in higher end systems, but I am tired of creating macros so each user get what they want, and if we had one of those fancy remotes available I would by one or two if that meant I could control the entire house from it and not have to switch remotes.
Check out these X10 Code Clickers (http://www.smarthome.com/4824r.html) from SmartHome. Apparently they snap into the code wheel to let you easily change the house/unit code. You can get them in either red or black.
The X-10 clickers are nice, but I am looking for a remote that will allow to operate all rooms without have to create macros or change housecodes.
Closest I have seen would be a Black and Decker Freewire Remote that works with their Freewire Messanger Hub [Tranceiver]. It has a dial for all 16 unit codes and a few scenes. The House Code is set on a single dial of the Messenger Hub. It was made OEM by X10 [FCC ID proves it] but is not cross compatible with X10 remnotes. It does send 100% compatible X10 Line Signals. basically an X10 remote with X10 Transceiver can control a B&D Module and a B&D remote with Messenger Hub can control an X10 Module. B&D modules also have dials with knobs no screwdriver needed. ;D
The X-10 clickers are nice, but I am looking for a remote that will allow to operate all rooms without have to create macros or change housecodes.
If money is no object, check out the Phillips Pronto (http://www.pronto.philips.com/) in conjunction with an IR543AH (http://www.homeautomationnet.com/shopping/shopexd.asp?id=243) (an All Housecode version of the IR543). The Pronto has a touchscreen display and comes with software that lets you create your own custom virtual buttons which can send one or more commands.
If you don't want to spend that much money, check out a JP1 remote (http://www.hifi-remote.com/forums/). You will still need an IR543AH and you won't have the dot-matrix touchscreen (so you will have to remeber which button does what) but the remote itself is about 1/10th the cost.
Money is an issue if I were rich, then I would hire a company to come in and install my home automation system. I don't think I am asking a lot from X-10 by asking them to provide remotes with customizable buttons, Instead of the current palm pad with a set house code and then using a switch to flip between 1-8 and 9-16. The slimfire remotes or the worse because you set the house code and unit code of the first button and the following buttons follow in sequence. The processing power is out there, how about letting me program each button individually to seperate house codes and unit numbers, this way if a want a slimfire remote to control 3 different house codes, I do not have to waste unit codes by creating macros or use multiple remotes to control a room.