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🔌General Home Automation => Automating Your House => Topic started by: Bemith on February 28, 2006, 07:45:42 PM

Title: Programming Togglelinc with ActiveHome Pro USB device
Post by: Bemith on February 28, 2006, 07:45:42 PM
I am interested in purchasing a Togglelinc switch. However I read that a separate X10 transmitter is required to set the Base Code. Can the code be set through the ActiveHome Computer program with the USB CM15A?
Title: Re: Programming Togglelinc with ActiveHome Pro USB device
Post by: X10 Pro on March 01, 2006, 01:10:21 PM
You can program Togglelinc switches with ActiveHome Pro. We put special macro commands in specifically to support the address-only sequence used.
Title: Re: Programming Togglelinc with ActiveHome Pro USB device
Post by: vs on March 18, 2006, 10:58:30 PM
You write:
You can program Togglelinc switches with ActiveHome Pro. We put special macro commands in specifically to support the address-only sequence used.

Could you please give an example of how to do this?  I have a brand new CM15A and all my switches are togglelinc.  I am new to this and need specific easy instructions please!!
Thank you,
Title: Re: Programming Togglelinc with ActiveHome Pro USB device
Post by: Jordi on March 19, 2006, 06:05:33 PM
Attached is a screenshot of a macro I use to send the "Clear" sequence.  If I do not include the delays, the macro does not work properly.  I created a separate macro for each type of sequence.  Unfortunately, I had to set the the dim levels manually since the dim commands in AHP do not work properly with the dim commands used by the *Linc switches.

Title: Re: Programming Togglelinc with ActiveHome Pro USB device
Post by: Bemith on March 22, 2006, 07:25:48 PM
I know I asked the question, but I have done it. Quite simply without using macros, what you have to do is set the switch up on room view and assign the switch a code.  If you press the led button on the switch for about 5 seconds (the insructions say 3, but its about 5) and the light blinks, then throw an on command from the computer on that switch, you will have assigned it its house code.
Title: Re: Programming Togglelinc with ActiveHome Pro USB device
Post by: roger1818 on April 04, 2006, 11:27:03 AM
Unfortunately, I had to set the the dim levels manually since the dim commands in AHP do not work properly with the dim commands used by the *Linc switches.

If you use the SDK, you can send Preset Dim commands.  I wrote a program for programming SmartHome modules with the CM15A.  I have been meaning to post it somewhere, but haven't gotten around to it yet.  I will try to do that soon.
Title: Re: Programming Togglelinc with ActiveHome Pro USB device
Post by: GBrooksOKOK on November 09, 2006, 09:55:55 AM
If you use the SDK, you can send Preset Dim commands.  I wrote a program for programming SmartHome modules with the CM15A.  I have been meaning to post it somewhere, but haven't gotten around to it yet.  I will try to do that soon.

Roger, if you are still around I would love to get a hold of your program for SmartHome modules.  I've got a ToggleLinc dimming switch on the way (the 23890) and would like to be able to use it to it's full capability.  Hopefully you still read these forums.
