X10 Community Forum
🖥️ActiveHome Pro => Plug-ins => MyHouse Online => Topic started by: fisher on March 07, 2006, 12:32:42 PM
I constantly have problems with AHP and viewing the camera that is sitting behind me that looks at my driveway. I have to re-install AHP almost everytime to get this program to work.
I have still been unsuccessful in connecting to the camera at our condo via MyHouse Online! I followed the instructions in the manual but this still doesn't work. It never connects and I know the computer is on! I was able to see the camera's view from the computer at the condo. However, I can't see anything from a remote computer because it never connects.
Just for the record and the challenge. I recently purchased a LinkSys wireless camera, about $180, and it works fine! I am able to access the camera via an IP # just like you would do with your wireless network system. So, I may just box all the X-10 items I have purchased over the past few years and start using the LinkSys cameras. It is so much simpler, easier and IT WORKS!!!
It would be nice to be able to use all the X-10 equipment (software and cameras, etc.) that I have purchased. However, I am just tired of fighting this. Great idea, poor execution and more complicated than it should/could be!
Nice Try! Let me know when the programmers simplify the process.
Hopefully next update should fix these isues in the mean time. Have you tried the freeware X10Dispatch (http://x10dispatcher.com/)? It alows you to view snap shots from your cams in many ways and even has a web interface.
Please tell me what this update is for? The last time I installed the AHP update the program MyHouse Online disappeared and so did my camera, again! Thank you!
Sorry, but can you tell me what the X10Dispatch does exactly? Was this also created by X10 programmers? Have you tried it. I'd rather view live camera views but guess this would be better than getting no pictures. However, another question, the camera I am trying to view is almost 200 miles away now. Will this patch be any good on the remote computer?
Thanks again!
The only x10 thing about this program is it uses AHP, the sdk and the CM15A if you do a search here with the word X10dispatch you'll find lost of reviews and praises.
You can also find more info on it at AccessHA forums (http://www.accessha.com/forums/index.php?) look under third party software.
I've ran this program since Dave first introduced it and made many sugestions which he built in can viewing over the web (in many ways) was added to his software before MYHouse was even in beta. It would take me all night to explain what it does he has a write up at his web site as well as on AccessHA.
Basicaly it does everything you can think of and if you can think of something it doesn't it is probly in the works as an add! ;) :D try it you'll be amazed sorry it can't access the cams at the remote location unless it is installed there! :(