X10 Community Forum
📸Cameras & Camera Software => Camera General Discussion => Topic started by: soldierx on April 11, 2006, 01:20:50 PM
I'm trying to run a website where the X10 VA11A captures pictures and then projects them onto a webpage. I can get the camera to capture pictures on the hard drive in c:\Program Files\XRay Vision under the names "_dmt_00_0.jpg" and "_dmt_00_1.jpg" but I can't get them to show up on the webpage. I've tried everything I can think of in my head.
Can someone please help me out?
Here's the HTML code I wrote for the website to read the stuff from the hard drive, its getting the image to show is the hard part. I would be very appreciated if someone could lend me a hand big time.
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Developer Studio">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="15; URL="index.html">
<TITLE>Active Log</TITLE>
I will reload myself in 15 second, due to software lag, the image might not refresh for 1 or 2 minutes
<table border="1" bordercolor="#A0A0A0" bordercolorlight="#F0F0F0">
<td valign="top">1/8/98 3:59:30 AM, P16<br>
<img src="c:\Program Files\XRay Vision\_dmt_00_1.jpg"></td>
have you tried x10dispatch? See details in the Third Party Software secion of this Forum.
Tried it. Doesn't help me out, as I need to get the pictures to display on a Website on Internet Explorer. ???
Tried it. Doesn't help me out, as I need to get the pictures to display on a Website on Internet Explorer. ???
Humm I have no problem using X10dispatch to send pics to my web page for display! perhaps you didn't look at the ftp uploader! ;)
Does it update though every couple minutes though? Cause that's what i'm kind of aiming for, having an update of the picture every couple of minutes or seconds on the site.
Do you use any other software along side this software as well?
yes! you can configure the time interval! down to every min. I Have mine set for every 5 mins ;) :)
I was able to get Xray vission to work as well! but it took some playing X10dispatcher is much easier!
What tab is the ftp under? cause I never noticed the ftp in the program and I looked through pretty thorough.
I don't think the ftp uploader is under a tab but you'll find it in the X10dispatcher folder. File name: FTPSchedUploader.exe open it and add your setttings. You can then run it from AHP (macro),dispatcher(with a trigger) or on its own, X10dispatcher renames the pics to Image1 to Image4 and the pics are refreshed as x10dispatcher gets them settings under images (time intervals) ;) But I don't think you need to use x10dispatch for your pics as the uploader works on its own, you specify the location of your pics!
Thanks a wackload Tuicemen! I ran the x10 regular VA11A camera software to capture the pictures onto the hard drive, then ran the ftp scheduled Uploader and it runs perfectly. The camera saves the pictures and uploads them like a dream. You have just saved me a lot a grief and trouble as well saved my college year. Much thanks! 8)
Happy to help.
Glad it works for you! ;)