X10 Community Forum
🖥️ActiveHome Pro => ActiveHome Pro General => Wish List => Topic started by: Robert_k on June 29, 2006, 11:50:49 AM
I would like to be able to trigger macros on specific house codes when the "All Lights On" or "All Units Off" commands or Dim or Bright commands were received by the CM15A.
I use house code D for macros only, and I cannot turn on and dim lights with the same address through this house code for lights on another house code.
Also I can't hit the all lights on button on my alarm clock coded to house d and turn on the lights on house c and house b.
In the history on the CM15a it does see the All lights and all units off commands and the dim commands for specific addresses, so why can't macros be triggered from these?
There are a couple of ways you can do this. I never thought of doing this but I see the possibilities now! ;) :) ;D
- create a phantom/dummy module for each of your macros use a non diming lamp module(socket rocket) as the phantom same address as the macro trigger you wish to control. Now when you issue a all lights on command on that code all your macros will fire(if they are triggered by a on command if not all units off will trigger them
- you can use the free third party addon X10dispatcher which will do this as well as many other things you can't do yet with AHP. it also allows you to do things you can only do with the plugins
...create a phantom/dummy module for each of your macros use a non diming lamp module(socket rocket) as the phantom same address as the macro trigger you wish to control. Now when you issue a all lights on command on that code all your macros will fire(if they are triggered by a on command if not all units off will trigger them...
While it would seem logical for it to work that way since a dummy module works for other macro triggering, in actuality it didn't work in my test.
I created a dummy socket rocket with the code "D3" and pushed an "All Lights ON" house code "D". My "D3 ON" macro didn't work. A similar test for an "OFF" triggered macro didn't work either.
Hey thanks for testing it Inever got to that point. :-[ ;) Guess the only option is X10dispatcher then!