Yes you can, and On-Alert allows you to be more specific about which alarm triggered.
1: Add a Macro
2: Click the "Use Security" Button at the top of the screen
3: Select the Sensor (ie motion / door/window) - let's use Front Door as an example
4: Use a condition
a) If Security Alarmed State = Armed Home / Away (your choice) - (Conditions menu)
Now add the Macro commands:
6: Select "Dial Up Service Start" from the Advanced menu
7: Put a "Delay" of 5 seconds
5: Select "Send E-Mail" option from Advanced Menu
a) Enter the e-mail address to send the message (cell phone text addresses also work!)
b) Enter the subject - i.e. Security Breach
c) Enter the message - i.e. some bas...d has entered through the Front Door
6: Put a "Delay" of 10 seconds
7: Select "Dial Up Service Stop" from the Advanced Menu
In short when the front door is opened and the system is armed, you will get a e-mail.
Note that if this does not work (you will need to be connected to the internet), then:
1: My House Menu (top of screen)
2: Select "E-mail Configuration"
3: Try to Auto and SMTP options for the Transmission method (I Use SMTP and it works fine)
Good luck!