My current set-up for video recording is using the AHP Pro with the CM15A controller. I am using 4 XCam2's with MS14A motion sensors. The Motion sensors if I stand directly in front of them and move my arms wildly will switch the cameras. I have all the cameras set-up on A1-A4 and the MS14A's set-up on the same codes (A1-A4) to switch on the appropriate camera. If I bring the sensors into the house, beside the computer then it will, without any problems switch between each camera if I move each sensor individually. If I then place the sensors outside and move 15-20ft away from them, unless I make wild movements then the sensors will not switch ( not only do i look foolish, my wife is getting upset with the effort I am having to put into this "out-of-the-box equipment" ) I am also using the TM571 to boost the signals, again that does not seem to do much, i even tried using TWO TM571's again to no avail. The computer and the CM15A are centrally located in the house, they are not that far away from the sensors, 20-30 ft however they do not "sense" very well and they do not switch the signals. I am not very impressed with the equipment from X10. I am also trying to get the CM15A to recognise my window sensors and it does not. This is very strange indeed. Any help assistance etc. would be more than welcome.