Given that I joined the forum and my first post is to rant, you can imagine how dissatisifed I am with this X10 crap.
Not only does nothing seem to work right with these modules and ActiveHome, but it INCONSISTENTLY doesn't work right.
Why in the world pick a mechanism to transport you signals that (1) may not work for the whole house because of splitting the electricity at the box, (2) is affected by interface from COMMON appliances that you put plug in, (3) necessitates that you have like tons of extra wall sockets around your house to plug in transceivers and whatevers, (4) puts it's main ActiveHome module on a short USB cable that has to plug in somewhere near the 1000 computer devices that you already have plugged in and are sure to give it interference, (5) works over your electrical system but still requires a ton of batteries.
So, here I sit with several hundred dollars invested and motion sensor lights installed that go on and off on their own yet won't talk to active home, individual motion sensors that won't talk to anything, chimes that won't chime, and I'm wondering where in the world I'm going to get the time to debug this whole mess when I expected it to just work.
And, lastly, I've never seen such a grossly over-advertised website as X10. You can't find the content for all of their advertising and deals that are going to end yesterday baloney. Are they desparate or what?
All that ranting and I don't even feel better - 'cause this didn't help make the stuff work!