Don, do you mean something on the case,
because this is what the instructions state:
To turn additional lights on when it gets
dark. The ActiveEYE can send signals when it
detects dusk and
dawn so it can turn a light on when it gets
dark and turn it off when it gets light (in
addition to turning lights on
when it detects motion). To have it turn a
light on at dusk and off at dawn plug the
light into an X10 Module and
set it to the same Housecode as the
ActiveEYE and to a Unit Code that is one
number higher than the Unit
Code of the module or camera that turns on
when motion is detected. I.E. if the
ActiveEYE turns on A1 when it
detects motion, it will turn on A2 when it
gets dark and turn it off when it gets light.