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Author Topic: Vanguard time Stamp  (Read 5465 times)


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Vanguard time Stamp
« on: July 13, 2007, 10:12:53 AM »

I have a question that i hope someone can answer, I have a Vanguard Camera with software (as well as multiple X10 controlled devices) i record the stills from the camera onto my hard drive as normal, when i look at the stills hovever, the camera will start to record the time/date incorrectly to the point that at about 5/6pm the recordings start on a new day. I have checked all the obvious, the computer time etc. does anybody have any idea why at 5/6pm my computer or camera decides that it is a new day. All other files on my computer record correctly. This problem happened on another computer when I had cameras connected to that.
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