Excuse I don't speak English.
I am from Brazil. I speak Portuguese.
I am programmer windows dot net
I am use CM11A in computer serial.
I sending the command for serial port 11100110011001110011000111
1110 0110 01100 1110 0110 00111
star house key start house Function
code code code code code code (off)
I want to turn off X10 Appliance Module (house "A" key "1")
what is wrong?
thank you
The code you describe is the bit stream that the CM11A transmits over the power line, not what you should write to the CM11A.
To program the CM11A to send the "A1 Off" signal, you have to communicate with the CM11A as follows.
Address the module "A1":
1. Send the two bytes 0x04 0x66
2. Read back the checksum, which should be 0x6a
3. Send the byte 0x00 to tell the CM11A to transmit the code over the powerline.
4. Read back the "ready" code 0x55
5. Delay for 3 AC powerline cycles.
Send the command function "A Off":
1. Send the two bytes 0x06 0x63
2. Read back the checksum, which should be 0x69
3. Send the byte 0x00 to tell the CM11A to transmit the code over the powerline.
4. Read back the "ready" code 0x55
5. Delay for 3 AC powerline cycles (before sending another address or function).
For more details, see the CM11A protocol at: