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Author Topic: myhouse  (Read 10463 times)


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« on: August 14, 2007, 11:15:43 AM »

why is that most of the time i try and log into myhouse from a remote computer it logs in but then says waiting for system... is it because my computer has gone into its sleep mode? how should i have my screen saver and sleep modes configured in order to make myhouse available all the time.

i leave my computer running all the time and active home is also runnning and myhouse loads on start up.


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Re: myhouse
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2007, 12:46:24 PM »

In Control Panel click on Power Options
Make sure Always On is showing in the power schemes box
Make sure the options under Settings for Always On power scheme are set to Never (OK monitor isn't important to be set to Never)
Click OK!
Your screen saver doesn't need to run either this was originally added for the older monitors that suffered from burn in. Most newer monitors don't have this problem unless your running a plasma screen! ;) :D
Your best to just turn off your monitor when going to be away as running a screen saver isn't good for LCD (if this is what your running) screens either as they have a life expectancy based on hours of  illumination! ;)
Also running a screen saver uses PC resorces (not a big deal if you have the latest greatest PC),which cuts down on the PCs responce time!

why is that most of the time i try and log into myhouse from a remote computer it logs in but then says waiting for system...
Most likely it is a X10 server problem!
« Last Edit: September 11, 2007, 12:51:03 PM by Tuicemen »
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