For those that don't know
X10Dispatcher is capable of displaying Auto stills captured from AHPs iWitness/iWatchout Plug-in.
These pics can also be called up in MSN, by logging on to your X10dispatcher server,or from your ftp site!
Narrative: AHP 3.206
Runs from the PC
This macro starts cams scanning and snapping pics so that X10dispatcher can get an update of the pics. Trigger is a Phantom module ,this allows me to trigger from a sensor or remotely! the updater only runs for 2 mins then turns off so not to fill my harddrive with unwanted pics
Macro Name: X10Dispatcher pic updater
Trigger & Conditions: P7 On
Action: (A1) Video RecieverON
(B4) CamAnvWhere Ninja ON
Start Automatic Still Record
Start Camera Scan
Delay for 02:00
Stop Camera Scan
Stop Automatic Still Record
(A1) Video Reciever OFF
Additional Notes:I use a timer to start this macro daily So X10dispatcher has a daily pic It will have more resent pics if something else triggers the macro eg motion sensor!
X10dispatcher has to be told where your auto stills are located under options\iWitness base directory
eg: C:\AHP images\AutoStillsThe camera name is the Pic name
eg: *back yard.jpg