Start over.
I am not using eagle eye sensors anymore. Just 3 active eye sensors with 3 cams. One lamp plugged into tm751 at A1. Cams at A2,A3,A4.
For some reason the cameras will all turn off and the tv or pc screen will go blue. NOT the BSOD which is related to computer crash, but a blue screen related to cameras turning off.
Anytime you turn on the lamp at A1, all cameras A2,A3,A4 will turn off.
Move your cameras to A5,A6,A7 along with the addresses of all 3
ActiveEye MS16A motion sensors.
Regardless of how long you have your
ActiveEye MS16A motion sensors OFF delay set to, it will occur and eventually turn the camera off. You cannot stop this with just a TM751 transceiver.
JimC asked some good questions and made a helpful suggestion that you might want to re-look at.