I posted this in under a different thread but it really belongs here. This is a diagram of how I have 2 DS7000s working as a master/slave.
Here's an explanation of what happens.
The Master DS7000 console (F) is not shown. It is plugged in at another location.
The X10 Noise Filter prevents any X10 signals from entering into and leaving the Power Strip. This isolates all units on the power strip from communicating to/from modules throughout the rest of the house. When the DS7000(G4) alarm is tripped, the DS7000(G4) sends an All Lights On/All Units Off over house code G. Since all units on the power strip are isolated from the rest of the house, the All Lights On/All Units Off only gets heard by the UM506(G1). The UM506(G1) responds to the All Units Off and turns itself off thereby opening it’s contact and causing the DS10A, which is registered with the Main DS7000(F) console, to send it’s Tripped code to the main DS7000(F) console via the DS10A RF signal. The PF284 doesn’t respond to X10 signals. It can only send them.
After an alarm, the UM506 (G1) needs to have its’ contacts closed again in order to re-arm the DS7000(G). This can be done in a number of ways.
1. Using any RF remote controller (i.e. the Security Remote with the house code set to G), you can press light 1 On. The RF will be received by the DS7000(G) and then turn the UM506(G1) back on.
2. Using Active Home Pro to send an RF G1 On.
3. Using ActiveHome Pro to send a powerline D10 On. This will cause the UM506(D10) to close it’s contact, which will trigger the PF284(G1) to send a G1 On to the UM506(G1).
After you have done one of the above, you can then arm the system. You can have one security remote control registered with both the Main(F) and Secondary(G) DS7000. Just make sure to have the house code set to G so that you can reset the UM506(G1) using the security remote and then rearm both system using just one remote.
By using this setup, you can trigger the alarms to go off thru ActiveHome Pro. Just send a D10 Off. This will open the contacts on the UM506(D10) which will open the contact on the PF284(G1) which will open the contacts on the UM506(G1) which will activate the DS10A to send a signal to the Main DS7000(F).