Flag [16] Off <--- Puck you show this as clear..I don't have that option off/on??
Do you have the Smart Macros plug-in?
Since AHP packages have included the Smart Macros plug-in for sometime now, I'm betting that he's not familiar with how to create a flag condition.
If that is the case jwood, then this is what you need to do. (If not, my apologies.)
If the "Drop Conditions Here" dotted box isn't present, click on the "Use Conditions" near the the bottom middle of the page. Then from the column on the right where the rooms are, scroll down till you see "Conditions". Select it, scroll down and drag the "flag Status" box into the "Drop Conditions Here" box. Then click on it's edit icon to pick the flags for which you want to test.
Also I'd recommend not using flags 15 or 16 as AHP has been know to use those for other stuff. (Flag that you use does
not have to be the same number as your chime or sensor.)
Just as a heads up for a future possible problem, do have any macros or modules on H1? When your motion sensor is set for H16, it also uses the "next" number, in the case 1 since numbers wrap, as a light sensor.