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Author Topic: Big Red Panic Button Remote KR15A not activating Powerhorn Remote Siren PH508  (Read 7825 times)


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Hi.  I'm new to the forum, please forgive any breaches in etiquette, I'll learn.  (I did check first to see if this has been covered, but it doesn't seem to have been.) 

I have a basic home security setup:  Security Console DS7000, Remote Control SH624, 3 Door/Window Sensors DS10A, 2 Motion Sensors MS10A, 1 Lamp Module LM465, 2 Key Chain Remotes KR10A, 1 Powerhorn Remote Siren PH508 and 1 Big Red Panic Button KR15A.  Seems to be up and running:  All the sensors and remotes including the Big Red Panic Button are registered to the console, sensors are communicating and trip the console's alarm and the remote siren when the console is armed, the console dials the programmed  phone numbers, the main remote arms and disarms the console and turns the lamp on and off, and even can trip the remote siren by cycling on and off the right unit switches.

But one thing doesn't seem right:  The Big Red Panic Button KR15A (set on A/2) activates the alarm on the DS7000 Console (A/1) and turns on the security light (A/1), but does NOT activate the remote siren.  The "Panic" activation from the Main remote SH624 and the Keychain Remotes activate the Powerhorn PH508 (set on A/2) along with the security light and the console's alarm, after a short delay, but the Big Red Panic Button does NOT activate the Powerhorn at all, no matter how long it's depressed.  I can also activate the Powerhorn from the main remote by cycling on and off the Unit 2 buttons.  I have tried many different unit settings on the Big Red Panic Button and the Powerhorn, matching and non-matching them (to the console and each other), and a few different outlets for the Powerhorn to no avail.

Doesn't the Big Red Panic Button activate an "alarm" condition, i.e. All Lights On/All Lights Off, such that the Powerhorn should respond?  Like I said, the Panic buttons on all the remotes (main and keychain) DO set off the Powerhorn every time, as well as cycling the appropriate unit number on the main remote.  Am I not clear on some concept, or is something not working properly?  (The only thing I haven't tried is NOT registering Big Red Panic Button, but then I don't think I'll get the general "alarm" features like calling phone numbers, turning on the securuty light and console alarm . . .  Also the instructions for the Big Red Panic Button makes mention of Remote Siren SH10A but not the one I have, the PH508.  It doesn't make sense that that's the problem, given that my remote siren works in all ways but this . . .)  Thanks for any help. 
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 09:51:27 PM by mznnn »

Brian H

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The KR15A Big Red Panic Button is a unique device to say the least.
It sends signals that are tailored for the SH10A small siren. It can be made to ding by sending the modules address then an On command. Followed by a Bright command. More Brights more dings. Send a Dim in place of the Bright and it dongs.

OK to trigger a SH10A panic siren. It like the PH508 can be set off by alternating All Lights On, All Lights Off. It will then sound until 4 seconds after the signals stop.

It can also be set to a very SHRILL Screach by sending it a continous set of Address and then On signals till it triggers. This will last 4 minutes; unless an off is sent; even when the signals are stopped.

Signal tests show the following with my KR15A: My module on battery installed default of A1. SH10A also on A1

Hold Button:
ABright Ding on SH10A
ABright Ding
ABright Ding
At this point my SH10A starts shreaking.
So making a long winded message end.
The KR15A does not send the proper commands to trigger a PH508 only the SH10A will trigger.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2008, 07:29:25 AM by Brian H »


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Thank you very much for that information.  I'm getting the idea that the Big Red Panic Button is strange, and maybe not well-designed.

But doesn't the keeping pressed of the Big Red Panic Button trigger a true"alarm" condition off the console, which would put out an alternating All Lights On/All Lights Off over the AC wiring, which should then activate the Powerhorn Remote Siren PH508?  (As it does during an intrusion when system is armed, or when the Panic is pressed on remote controls?)  Or does the "alarm" that is triggered differ from the alarm during an intrusion.  Instructions indicate that the console for instance will dial numbers when activated by the Big Red, so it would seem it is acting like an intruder alarm situation, but maybe it's a "special" alarm situation . . . ?  Thanks again.

Brian H

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I have never installed a KR15A to a security console and don't know how it would act.
I do know that it never sends an All Lights On; All lights Off sequence. Just starts the stream of addresses alternating with the On command.

Added Data: -:)
OK I got out a Radio Shack 49-1000 Security Kit that was an OEM from X10 and installed my KR15A with it. When I held the KR15A Red Button for a few seconds. The 49-1000 started a Panic Alarm. Required a PIN Number to stop it.  :)%  In the test I had not added the remote in the kit so I had to go to the screaming console and reset it. My ears really liked that. ::) rofl

So try installing it like any other remote. Console on install. Hold Red Button till the console chimes. Back to run and then  holding the button should trigger a Panic Button Event in a few seconds.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2008, 06:21:46 PM by Brian H »

tom j

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Say MZNNN do me a favor and try the panic feature and tell me if your unit dials out just make sure it's not armed when you do the instructions say that the panic mode does not dial out unless armed testing out a system for a friend and I found that his his dials out regardless. Thanks

Tom j.
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