I can successfully get the results via the OnRecvAction function after running a sendplc command, but I get nothing after running a queryplc command.
The script below works great...but if I change the last line to send a queryplc command I don't get anything back.
function DoRecvAction( Action, Parm1, Parm2, Parm3, Parm4, Parm5, Reserved ) {
myForm.text4.value = "Command received /new";
myForm.text5.value = Action;
myForm.text6.value = Parm1;
myForm.text7.value = Parm2;
myForm.text8.value = Parm3;
myForm.text9.value = Parm4;
myForm.text10.value = Parm5;
myForm.text11.value = Reserved;
var x10;
function loader(){
myForm.text2.value = "Form loaded";
x10 = new ActiveXObject( "X10.ActiveHome" );
x10.OnRecvAction = DoRecvAction;
function DoCommand( Command ) {
x10.SendAction( "sendplc", "a2 on" );