I placed my wired color camera facing the walkway near my front door. This area also covered the entrance to my driveway.
The camera was hooked up to my DVD recorder. The DVD would reset every morning to capture that days events.
So one day I came home and discovered my block wall next to my driveway was destroyed. I forgot I had recorded the day until my wife said check the DVD. My wife was right. It was perfect! A large franchised plumbing truck backed to my wall and plastered on the side of the truck was the company name, phone number and contractors number. But what made this footage priceless was
that the driver got out of his truck, looked at the damaged wall, looked at my front door and his face was looking at the camera and he didn't know it. Well, one call and a copy of the DVD to the main office and a crew was repairing my wall 36 hours later. Thanks,