I've just go some powerhorns for my PS561. I'm trying to figure some things out. From other threads I've learned:
PS561 alarm will go off for 4 minutes, after that lights will stay on, powerhorn and console alarm stop, and PS561 re-arms
If you hit "0" after being called, the console alarm will stop, but lights and powerhorns will go for total of 4 minutes, then alarm re-arms
Is that all correct? Also, if I have activehome pro and all the add-ons and was on the internet when i got called, I could see what triggered the alarm, current status of the alarm, turn off lights, and even stop the powerhorns before the 4 minutes is up. Is that all correct? Could you even write a macro to turn powerhorns off after 2 minues instead of 4?
Thanks! I would test some things out, but my neighbors are right on top of me and don't have the activehome software yet, but thinking about it!