Trying to construct a series of events/macros that:
Using an MS10A (installed in AHP as a Security Device), upon motion a macro sends an RF command to a phantom. A second macro triggers on the phantom=ON and sets a FLAG and turns on a light.
MS10A = MS-Motion
Phantom is M2
Light is L1
Macro K2 is triggered when MS-Motion is triggered.
Macro K2 then sends RF COMMAND M2=ON
Macro “turn-on-the-light” triggers on M2=ON and Set FLAG[10] ON, and Set L1=ON.
By manually causing motion in front of MS-Motion, Macro K2 fires and I can watch Phantom M2 flip ON. I can then watch Macro “Turn-on-the-light” fire, but neither the flag, nor the light get set ON.
Yet if I use a PalmPad to issue the K2=ON, the FLAG and the light get set on.
What’s wrong?
And I “think” I even replaced the “Send RF” with a simple PLC Set M2=ON, and it still didn’t work.
An objective of this construct is to all multiple sensors to trigger K2=ON, and because of multiple sensors, I thought using RF would cut down on PLC traffic. Additionally, I intend to put a Condition in the K2 macro to only send the M2=ON when FLAG[10] is CLEAR, but I haven’t gotten that far.