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Author Topic: Vonage VOIP issues any new tips out there?  (Read 5712 times)


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Vonage VOIP issues any new tips out there?
« on: December 12, 2008, 04:15:34 PM »

I just recently picked up a DS7000 and I'm using Vonage as my telephone provider.  I've been unable to get this to dial out. 

I've read all the threads on here that discuss Vonage and tried all the suggestions.  My vonage voicemail is off so there won't be any stutter tones at the beginning of the call.  I've called Vonage and my packetitation is set to 10.  I have a DSL filter in the line prior to the DS7000.  I have the phone number programed to 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX.  The system is dialing when I pick up another extension but it soons goes to the off the ringer tone as if the system didn't pick up the tones from the DS7000.

So any new tips out there as some of the threads were from 2005-2006.

ALso the message certainly begins way too fast as it kicks in right when the dialing is done.  If this ever works by the time I pick up the phone the message will be well over.

Bill H

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Re: Vonage VOIP issues any new tips out there?
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2008, 09:27:26 AM »

Had the same problem. Call Vonage back and tell them you want your line to be a data line (as for a fax). They make the change right over the phone. The phone will still work, but the dialer does, too.


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Re: Vonage VOIP issues any new tips out there?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2008, 02:05:31 PM »

A data line from Vonage has no features and is limited to 500 minutes per month.  Kind of defeats the purpose of having Vonage.  So for now it looks like I have a nice noise maker without the features that I really wanted. 


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Re: Vonage VOIP issues any new tips out there?
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2009, 12:39:53 PM »

I have Vonage, I am able to dial numbers in my own area code, but outside my area code, I get the busy tone. I have called Vonage and they have changed the packetization from 20ml seconds to 10ml seconds, but still I get the same problem. I ordered the fax line from Vonage and the same problem persists. I even tried a fax line with a different area code, but I still have the same problem not being able to dial any number outside my native line's area code.

I have been talking with technical support for both x10 and Vonage so many times once even three calling to both companies, but it all came to an incompatibility conclusion.

FYI...I have tried the x10 device on my neighbor's landline and it works just fine, dials outside area codes.

If you guys run across the same problem and manage to resolve it, please keep me posted.

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