I am having a problem with my system and am hoping someone out there can help me resolve the problem. I have set up my homepro system with 4 rooms and 5 modules total. They are lamp and appliance modules. All have macros to turn on at dusk and turn off at prescribed times. Two of the modules those with even numbers (A2 and A4) will not turn on at dusk. They do turn off at the prescribed time. The odd numbered modules (A1, A3 and A5) turn on and off as programmed. All the modules work (turn on and off) correctly with the remote unit. If I change the modules selectors to odd numbers e.g. A1, they work ok. I have followed all the instructions for troubleshooting and have put the troublesome modules on repeat signal without effect. Has anyone out there encountered the problem and if so how did you solve it. Any help is appreciated in advance.