Remote Arm/DisArm
It works – thanks to the info posted here, I have been able to configure my setup so that I can ARM, DisArm, and verify the system’s state from anywhere via my BlackBerry, or any PC with Internet connectivity.
Here’s how:
I soldered 2 pairs, from a 4-conductor wire to a KR10A, keychain remote that is installed into both my DS7000 console, and also into AHP’s On-Alert module. (as noted in other posts, On-Alert must be at 3.228 and NOT 3.236)
Those 2 pairs are connected to two UM506 Universal Modules. Those 2 modules are plugged into a short extension cord which is plugged into an AM466 Appliance module.
The other hardware is a color camera mounted in a closet and aimed at the DS7000.
Just for background – I have 2 independent AHP systems. One installed on a $5 yard-sale desktop running Windows XP and AHP 3.236 (all modules except On-Alert), and a VA12A – That system has its own CM15A and handles all video activities.
My second system is a Dell XPS 420, running Windows 7 and AHP 3.228, also with its own CM15A. That system
handles the home automation. (all modules except iWitness)
I should mention that I also use one of Jeff Volp’s XTB-IIR’s, and WGL Designs V572RF32’s Whole House Tranceiver.
Both desktops are connected 24/7 to my DSL feed and both run LogMeIn. Everything is on a UPS, which will hold the systems up for 30 minutes, and startup scripts fire the necessary software if/when the systems happen to reboot themselves. If the DSL is down, I’m screwed, but timing macros check for connectivity every 30 minutes and will reset everyting upon reconnection.
By creating batch files (anyfile.bat), and using AHCMD.exe, I have 20+ batch files that fire macros. I have OUTLOOK (I use 2010, but any email program that incorporates “Rules” which can trigger applications will work) up and running 24/7 and have it configured to Send/Receive every 5 minutes.
Therefore, by sending one of my email accounts an email with keywords in the subject line, I can fire any macro from anywhere. I use a prefix for all commands that ensures nothing gets triggered by accident. (e.g. “X10$7&6:ArmAway”, or “X10$7&6:SnapDeckCam-3”)
All of the above boils down to the ability to fire any macro within 5 minutes, from anywhere.
Since you can install DS7000 registered security remotes in AHP, and virtually fire them via macros to ARM the DS7000, one might ask why solder wires to operate a physical KR10A? Te answer is because if you arm a DS7000 via an AHP command, AHP isn’t smart enough to change its state to “ARMED” – Jeez I hope they fix that!
The AM466 that powers the UM506’s is just a bit of insurance that neither will fire because of a stray command. When the ArmAway macro fires, it first powers on the AM466 before sending the signal to one of the UM506’s – then it powers-OFF the AM466. And for verification, via some FLAGS, Phantoms, and other macros, the actual state of AHP (Armed Away/Home, DisArmed) as well as a JPEG SnapShot of the DS7000 is emailed to me.
Maybe some day, X10 will interface the DS7000 with AHP, but for now, if I want to be sure my DS7000 is armed, I need an actual image of the armed light.
So when all systems are up and running, I can Arm or DisArm my system and get visual confirmation of its status usually within 5 or 6 minutes.