First I want to say I have had a Proector Plus since 2002 and it is a great Alarm System but 7 years and no major enhancements come on guys, it is great but everything could use a feature or two added over time, here is my list of order of what I would love to see in a Protector Plus v2. (It only took a couple years to add RF to the ICON Remote and I even bought one, I only mention this because I think adding useful features will drive sales, I had only bough my other ICON Remore last year! ...)
1. Voice Message that tells what zone was tripped that you can record, so it would be short, like "Zone 1 Living Room Motion".
2. Separate Voice Message for each of the 4 numbers it will call in addition to the message in #1.
3. One Phone Number tied specifically to a feature I will note next, it would call that number first, give the appropriate message you recorded, then jump to the normal call list.
4. A X-10 Smoke/Fire Detector that Calls the dedicated number mentioned in #3 to call the Fire Department.
5. Much longer Voice message for each one.
6. Dry-Contact Interface for say 2-4 Dry Contact Trips
7. Dry-Contact Interface that Closes when the alarm is triggered (more flexibility)
8. Ability to "Install" Non-Security X-10 Modules, like other Motion Dectectors (This way AHP could be more useful with security events without having to run a computer 24x7 (A Green Idea
9. Zone Specific X-10 Commands. So say I have rigged a water pipe break sensor (which I have) the DS7000 would in this case trip but not set off the security lights, power horns, but would send the X-10 command to an appliance module that shuts off your water, then use added features #2 & #3 to call you and tell you you have a water problem.
The DS7000 is such as great system and at a great price I can see why you may not have been motivated to mess with it, but it could be so much more with a few added features, I assume much of it is PIC controlled so most this this would not take a rocket scientist or a lot of cost to add, my guess is you would sell new DS7001's to a good percentage of your existing customers who would love the added features.