http://www.smarthome.com/manuals/2486d1_5.pdf file states, in part,:
However, to operate KeypadLinc Dimmer in X10 mode, you must first set up an X10 Primary Address. As it ships from the factory, or after a factory reset procedure, KeypadLinc Dimmer will have no X10 Primary Address set up.
Setting the X10 Primary AddressYou must do this before KeypadLinc Dimmer will respond to X10 commands.
[Note, commands will be created - sent by the Insteon keypads to the X-10 WS467 wall switches rather than respond to X-10 controllers You can use any of the 256 possible X10 addresses for the X10 Primary Address.
1. Set KeypadLinc Dimmer to Linking Mode by pressing and holding the Desired Button for 10 seconds until the LED begins blinking slowly and the controlled light flashes.
2. Using an X10 Controller, send the X10 Primary Address you want to set up three times.
So what do I 'need' and once I have what I 'need', how do I create (set) a/the X-10 Primary Address?
I searched for X-10 controllers, but apparently I also 'need' a transceiver? to couple the X-10 'signal' to the AC line so the Insteon keypads 'see' / receive a X-10 Primary Address?
Asking another way, how to I get the X-10 WS467's to see (activate On/Off) when the assigned Insteon pad is pressed? And, how do I assign each Insteon keypad (4) the designated X-10 WS467 unit code. All House codes (at this point will be A) and with three controlled lights each of the three WS467 unit code is set to 14, 15, & 16.
Now all I have to do, is get the Insteon keypads to communicate with the X-10 WS467s