My issue is that I plugged it into an outlet today and got the message "FAIL SELF TEST". I looked in the XTBM X10 Signal Meter Operation online manual and the manual does not describe this message and what to do to correct it. If I plug the meter into other outlets it works fine (e.g. finds my repeater and starts normally). I think a description for this condition should be added to the manual under the full line messages section.
Actually, the on line manual does include this line:
"Note that a nearby signal sucker or strong noise source might cause a self-test failure during the repeater check."Rather than make people wait for several seconds for the digital filters to stabilize, the repeater check is performed as soon as the unit powers up using default values. Those work well in most instances, but a few people have discovered that the unit displays the Fail Self Test in certain locations.
I could loosen up the tolerance so it would pass the self-test if it is working at all, but I would rather have the self-test verify the accuracy of the unit too.
Your recommendation about adding the warning to the full line messages has been incorporated: