I have something that might help. I have a workaround for the 4 1/2 hour limitation. It does require a little work adding in macros and phantom modules. I currently have macros for operating a charger for 8 and 12 hours. You could modify this to suit your needs. I do believe that you will need a separate macro for each amount of time and divided into rooms. It would be easy to hit one key several times to keep adding additional hours, but I don't think it's possible, then again, I could be wrong. I just know that my timer workaround does work. If it helps, then I feel like I've given back to this forum which I have used so often. I noticed that I can't send my AHX file as an attachment on this forum. If you email me @ TOM2RN@aol.com and put the subject up above in the header then I can send you my AHX file.