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Author Topic: Power horns and Socket Rocket problems  (Read 6523 times)


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Power horns and Socket Rocket problems
« on: March 25, 2010, 03:48:56 PM »


Purchased a new x10 system (PS561) last week and I have the door/window sensors and motion sensors working fine, but the 2 power horns and 2 socket rockets do not come on when the alarm is tripped or I use the panic button.

I have the house code set to A and unit code set to 1 on the PS561.

1.  Power horns (PH508)
I have tried putting them into several different outlets to no avail.  I also put PS561 and one of the power horns onto the same power strip but the power horn still did nothing.  I some digging on the forum and there was a few posts about phase issues, but can there be a phase issue when they are on the same power strip?  I have not tried one of the tricks on the post about running a microwave will setting off the alarm, will try that tomorrow.

The house is older and the wiring is a little bit interesting, but I use a Netgear ethernet over power line computer networking system and I do not have any problems with my ethernet.  I have tried turning off the my network router then tripping the alarm but still no dice on the power horns.  I will try removing the netgear boxes from the power receptacles tonight.  Does anyone else have problems gettting power horns to work when using ethernet over power line computer networking?

2. Socket Rockets (LM15A)
I put the socket rockets in a lamp and verified the lamp switch was in the on position.  Nothing happens when the alarm activates.  I did some digging on the forum it I ran across a post that the socket rockets are supposed to come from the factory in default house code A and unit code 1.  Is this correct, or do I have to program the socket rockets and how to you do that with just a PS561 or SH624 remote?

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated to get the power horns and socket rockets working.



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Re: Power horns and Socket Rocket problems
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2010, 05:36:04 PM »

One suggestion is that if the power strip is a surge suppressor, it can filter out the "trip" commands, therefore not allowing the commands to get to the powerhorns and socket rockets.


Brian H

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Re: Power horns and Socket Rocket problems
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2010, 07:28:29 PM »

Socket rockets default to A1 from the factory.
On the Security Remote there are four X10 buttons 1-4 on and off. With the socket rocket at default. House Code dial on the console and security remote on A. The number 1 set should turn the socket rocket on and off.
If in the first thirty seconds of power to the socket rocket three sets of another code where sent. It is possible it got reset to a different address.
Also with the powerhorn set to A1-A4 [if you are using A on the comnsole], a stream of one second on and off commands to its address should set it off.

I would also watch for power strips with surge and noise suppressors in them They like to eat X10 signals.

dave w

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Re: Power horns and Socket Rocket problems
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2010, 07:49:22 PM »

but can there be a phase issue when they are on the same power strip? 

The house is older and the wiring is a little bit interesting, but I use a Netgear ethernet over power line computer networking system and I do not have any problems with my ethernet.  I have tried turning off the my network router then tripping the alarm but still no dice on the power horns.  I will try removing the netgear boxes from the power receptacles tonight. 

2. Socket Rockets (LM15A)
I put the socket rockets in a lamp and verified the lamp switch was in the on position.  Nothing happens when the alarm activates.  I did some digging on the forum it I ran across a post that the socket rockets are supposed to come from the factory in default house code A and unit code 1.  Is this correct,

or do I have to program the socket rockets and how to you do that with just a PS561 or SH624 remote?

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated to get the power horns and socket rockets working.


 adding to Brians answer.

1. No there can not be a phase issue if the X10 transmitter and the X10 receiver are plugged in to the same outlet or non-filtering outlet strip.
Ether net over power could be a problem although there isn't a lot about it on this forum. It won't do any good to try and isolate a problem by unplugging only the router, you need to unplug everything in the ethernet over power system to test.
2. Yes the Socket Rockets should be A1 code when shipped, you should be able to use the SH624 to re-program the Socket Rockets Same house code as the console as  unit 1, 2, 3, or 4. Do not use the "security light" button to try and program SR.
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Re: Power horns and Socket Rocket problems
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2010, 01:55:49 PM »

Thank you everyone for your replies.  It looks like one of the previous owners did some of their own wiring and lets just say it was not close to be code.  I moved the PS561 to a new outlet set the power horns to A13 and wallla everything works including the socket rocket.

We are slowly rewiring most of the house because what the previous owners did was just plain sloppy and lazy.  The one outlet that works so far is now too far from one of the door sensors.  I am going to try more outlets to see if I can get everything to play nice.  As a last resort I will digg into the forums to see if anyone has figured out how to extend the transmit and recieve range of the PS561.

A nice idea for X10 would be a wireless signal repeater (relay) to allow the PS561 to work with sensors farther away.

Thanks again for your ideas.  Jorge

Brian H

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Re: Power horns and Socket Rocket problems
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2010, 06:17:10 PM »

X10 discontinued their SR731 RF repeater. I believe the X10Pro PSX01 RF Repeater may also be discontinued.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 06:56:11 PM by Brian H »
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