For some reason my Sentinel camera works when it is hooked up to the TV and I can use the remote and see the picture pan on the TV. I reinstalled all the software for Active Home Pro using Vista 64 compatibility including all the plugins and iwatchout and I can see my floodcams in Active Home Pro but when I switch using the tabs at the bottom to view the Sentinel I see snow and no picture. I have two Sentinels and I can't see either one of them. I use to see both Sentinels. I have a UPS and installed software for that. This is when I started to have trouble I think. I tried unplugged the UPS and plugging my computer into the wall and I unplugged everything in my house and still no go. I wonder if the Active Home Pro interface is becoming defective or something??
I also tried the newest CM15A driver file for windows 7 64 bit which it says is version 3.239 and that didn't work either. X10 tech support told me I didn't need version 3.239 thing is that the VA12A only wants to work in one of my USB ports and not others, and it refuses to work on this one port on the front of my computer that I previously had it installed on and working?
I updated my chipset and didn't update the bios but Active Home Pro was working before when the bios was not updated.
I can see the floodcams in Active Home Pro but not my Sentinels?
I am stumped!