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Author Topic: Please Confirm DS10A Operation  (Read 5725 times)


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Please Confirm DS10A Operation
« on: September 30, 2010, 12:41:29 PM »

The most irritating thing about X10 is the unintended consequences.  B:(

I though I’d be slick and use a DS10A with a V572 RF Transceiver, using the V572 to “translate” the security code to “normal” X10 on/off events.  I use it in a room to turn on the light upon entering (opening the door), and turn off the light upon exiting (closing the door).

Well, it was warm one day, so I opened the door to let the room air out.  The light turned on, of course, so I turned it off via the wall mounted WS13A.

A while later, the light was on again.  I turned it off, and a while later, the light was on again.  We played this game for several hours.

It finally dawned on me that I think I read (can’t find again) that the DS10A repeats it’s ‘alarm’ status every so often.  So, if you’re using a DS10A with a V572 RF Transceiver to cause an ON event, it will keep updating that ON event unless the contacts are closed.

I closed the door (and therefore the DS10A contacts) and no lights came on.

Can anybody confirm this or suggest a workaround?


Brian H

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Re: Please Confirm DS10A Operation
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2010, 12:45:44 PM »

Yes both the DS10A and the MS10A check in to the Security Console. The DS7000 manual says every ninety minutes and it flags a Zone Error if it can't get a message after four hours.

You may find a string of Offs from it in the activity log. If you are using AHP. As it would be sending Off every ninety minutes if closed.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 01:15:13 PM by Brian H »

HA Dave

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Re: Please Confirm DS10A Operation
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2010, 07:53:46 PM »

I though I’d be slick and use a DS10A with a V572 RF Transceiver, using the V572 to “translate” the security code to “normal” X10 on/off events.  I use it in a room to turn on the light upon entering (opening the door), and turn off the light upon exiting (closing the door).

Can anybody confirm this or suggest a workaround?

Occupancy Sensing is a very cool and helpful feature when used with Home Automation. But it is rarely simple to attain good Occupancy Sensing. I would try using the AHP with the CM15A to create macros and conditions.
Home Automation is an always changing technology


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  • Sorry miss, I was giving myself an oil-job.
Re: Please Confirm DS10A Operation
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2010, 08:01:26 PM »

You might try using the ds10a magnets with a powerflash, and then you would need to get a hold of a used CM11a on this forum and the free activehome software to program triggers.

But I agree with Dave_x10_L, adding a little intelligence is best when it comes to occupancy sensing. I use a DS10a and an MS14a in my rooms along with some software, w800usb, and a CM11a.

Otherwise if I'm in my room and I close my door the lights go out ;)

Here is an example of some HEYU shell scripts:

SCRIPT door_brandt alert night rcva :: ([ $(($x10_brandt_dusk & $isOn)) -ne 0 ] && ([ $(($x10_brandt_sleep & $isOff)) -ne 0 ] && [ $(($x10_bella_sleep & $isOff)) -ne 0 ])) && heyu on bed_lamp; ([ $(($x10_brandt_dusk & $isOn)) -ne 0 ] && ([ $(($x10_brandt_sleep & $isOn)) -ne 0 ] || [ $(($x10_bella_sleep & $isOn)) -ne 0 ])) && heyu on lava_lamp

how to read this:

if my door sends an alert and it is night time AND if the MS14a dusk sensor is on AND I am not sleeping AND my daughter did not fall asleep on my bed THEN turn on my bed room floor lamp..
if my door sends an alert and it is night time AND it's dark, i'm sleeping OR my daughter is sleeping in there THEN turn on the lava lamp in my room for a nightlight..

« Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 08:07:16 PM by Brandt »


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Re: Please Confirm DS10A Operation
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2010, 11:51:45 AM »

Wow ... thanks for all the suggestions!

I solved the problem by writing my own macro:  If want door open without light then put extra magnet thingy on switch strip to fool sensor into thinking door is closed else remove extra magnet thingy for normal operation.

I could also: Flick installed parallel 'disable' switch to ‘disable’ position to fool sensor into thinking door is closed else flick installed parallel ‘disable’ switch to 'enable' position to allow normal operation.

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