The most irritating thing about X10 is the unintended consequences.
I though I’d be slick and use a DS10A with a V572 RF Transceiver, using the V572 to “translate” the security code to “normal” X10 on/off events. I use it in a room to turn on the light upon entering (opening the door), and turn off the light upon exiting (closing the door).
Well, it was warm one day, so I opened the door to let the room air out. The light turned on, of course, so I turned it off via the wall mounted WS13A.
A while later, the light was on again. I turned it off, and a while later, the light was on again. We played this game for several hours.
It finally dawned on me that I think I read (can’t find again) that the DS10A repeats it’s ‘alarm’ status every so often. So, if you’re using a DS10A with a V572 RF Transceiver to cause an ON event, it will keep updating that ON event unless the contacts are closed.
I closed the door (and therefore the DS10A contacts) and no lights came on.
Can anybody confirm this or suggest a workaround?