I tried the link in the invitation email...no go..still an error. Even the OnAlert one isn't working either. I wonder...is there a conflict between the two maybe? Like if I am using iWatchMobile, then use OnAlert mobile, then go back to iWatchMobile...that swapping back and forth could cause issues?
The link should be static for the reflector link, so there should be no difference between a bookmark you made, and the invite email, unless you changed your security code.
The reflector shouldn't have any problems switching apps like you are describing.
If you update to the latest version of ActiveHome Pro, what error text do you get after the 500 error? We have updated the software to give more descriptive errors. What exactly are you doing to get a connection briefly again? You mentioned resetting your security code. Are you able to get a connection back without resetting your code? Are you doing anything else when you rest your code, or just clicking the Rest Security Key button and trying the link again?
I tried my cellphone without using the WiFi connection and went straight to the web and used the link 8777/iwatchout and it didn't work.
Did you use the IP address of your computer (the one in the invite email) or the IP address of your router (in your router config's status page) when you tried this? The invite email is for internal network use only, to work with port forwarding you will have to use the IP address of the router and ignore the invite email. It sounds like you did everything else correctly from your description.
iwatchmobile pro works as they say.
I'm glad this working for you
Let us know if you have any other problems with it and we will fix it as soon as we are able.