hello I look for the function code recvation in C + +, I want to display the signals received in a listbox, I tried this drawing on a C # example found on this forum that I converted to C + +:
public: void cm15_RecvAction(System::Object^ bszAction, System::Object^ bszParm1, System::Object^ bszParm2, System::Object^ bszParm3, System::Object^ bszParm4, System::Object^ bszParm5, System::Object^ bszReserved)
String^ cmd = Convert::ToString(bszAction);
if (String::Compare(cmd, "recvrf",true) == 0 || String::Compare(cmd, "recvplc", true) == 0)
String^ address = Convert::ToString(bszParm1);
String^ state = Convert::ToString(bszParm2);
if (String::Compare(state, "on", true) == 0)
else if (String::Compare(state, "off", true) == 0)
else if (String::Compare(state, "Bright", true) == 0)
OnX10Message_BrightenReceived(address, (int)bszParm3);
else if (String::Compare(state, "Dim", true) == 0)
OnX10Message_DimReceived(address, (int)bszParm3);
this->listBox1->Items->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Object^ >(7) {bszAction,bszParm1,bszParm2,bszParm3,bszParm4, bszParm5});
but it does not work, nothing happens when I send a signal, I think that the parameters of the function is empty, could someone help me please, thank you in advance (sorry for my English)