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Author Topic: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?  (Read 7159 times)


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Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« on: December 04, 2010, 02:19:33 PM »

Just wondering if anyone has used the  PL513 or TW523 modules to create their own devices? I need to interface to another device and I am wondering what type of success users have had. Also, what chip sets or other devices are recommended for interfacing?


Brian H

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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2010, 06:42:45 PM »

Both the PL513 and TW523 are real basic modules. They have a Zero Crossing Detection Output and a Transmit Control Input. The TW523 also has an X10 message Received Output.
It is strictly data bits and your controller has to do all the encoding and decoding of the data bits.
They are opto isolator coupled.

Can you maybe give more details on your requirements?


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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2010, 11:04:21 AM »

What I need is a module similar to the PowerFlash. I the problem is the powerflash is not seen in AHP or my SDK app unless you are connected to a CM15a and poll the PowerFlash. I need a input module that will report it On/Off state. I think I found one at another site that will work(Smart Home). I would rather build my own if I can figure it out.


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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2010, 04:38:27 PM »

The PF284 PowerFlash module is a transmitter only and as you have found out. It will not reply to a Status Request and AHP has to be on line to see the X10 command when sent.

What Smarthome module are you looking at?


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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2010, 11:39:04 AM »

It turns out that the SmartHome module won't work either. It seems that the only way I can read a PowerFlash module is to have a CM15A connected to my computer and powerline, then I use 'queryplc' to read the power flash. The first problem is that it won;t be event driven, the second problem is I have top read 100+ of these modules. Issuing 100  'queryplc' commands continuously, is going to be very slow and a resource Hog. BTW, I do all of this in VB6 with the SDK. Any Idea's


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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2010, 01:10:22 PM »

Here's what X10 has to say about the PF284:  POWERFLASH Burglar Alarm Interface (PF284)

Connects to an existing burglar alarm system and flashes lights connected to lamp modules and wall switch modules when the alarm trips. Triggered by a contact closure or low voltage input (6-18V AC, DC or audio). Connects to an existing alarm system and turns on lights when the alarm trips.

It has 3 modes of operation:

In Mode 1 the Burglar Alarm Interface will turn ON ALL lamp modules and wall switch modules set to its Housecode and will also turn ON any other modules set to its Unit Code, a stereo connected to an appliance module for example. All lamp modules and wall switch modules are left in the ON state when the alarm is de-activated but the modules set to the same Unit Code as the Burglar Alarm Interface will be turned OFF.

In Mode 2 the Burglar Alarm Interface will FLASH all lights connected to lamp modules or wall switch modules. All lamp and wall switch modules will be left in the ON state when the alarm is de-activated but appliance modules set to the same Housecode as the Burglar Alarm Interface will be turned OFF.

In Mode 3 the Burglar Alarm Interface will turn ON all modules set to the same Housecode and Unit Code as the interface. All modules set to the same Housecode and Unit Code as the Burglar Alarm Interface will be turned OFF when the alarm is de-activated. Mode 3 is the same as mode 1 except that the interface does not send the All Lights On code to turn on ALL lamp modules and wall switch modules set to the same Housecode as the interface.

The interface can be set to be triggered by either a low voltage input (6-18 volts AC, DC or audio) or a dry contact closure. You could also trigger it from an alarm which has an outlet for switching a 120V lamp by using this outlet to control a 120V relay, then use the contacts of the relay to trigger the interface (in the dry contact mode). WARNING - DO NOT CONNECT 120VAC DIRECTLY TO THE INPUT OF THE INTERFACE.

The Burglar Alarm Interface has a test button which allows you to activate it whether or not it is connected to an alarm system. The ALL OFF button allows you to turn off anything which has been turned on by the interface.

Flash all the lights in your home when your existing burglar alarm is
· Blast your stereo when your alarm trips.
· Connect the Burglar Alarm Interface directly to a magnetic switch to turn on lights when a door or window opens, i.e. you don't have to own a burglar alarm system.
· Trigger it from sensors such as a photo cell to turn on lights when it gets dark.
· From a motion detector to turn on lights when someone enters a room.
· From a microphone to turn on lights or appliances when a sound from an intruder is detected.
· From a moisture sensor to sound an alarm if your basement is flooded.
· From a garage door opener to turn on lights when you open your garage door, etc.

Some of these applications may require some additional components such as relays, etc. to interface to the Burglar Alarm Interface but virtually anything which gives, or can be made to give, either a contact closure or a low voltage output between 6 and 18 volts AC, DC or audio can be used to trigger the Burglar Alarm Interface

It says nothing about AHP in it.
I don't SELL this stuff... BUT I sure do ENJOY using it!!!

Brian H

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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2010, 01:25:12 PM »

The PowerFlash has no receiver in it.
You can queryplc it all you want it will not answer you back.
queryplc is returning the last known state of the module. If it missed a power line signal it will give you an incorrect answer.


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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2010, 02:20:52 PM »

I have a pushbutton connected to the PowerFlash I have for testing. I am issuing plcquery commands and if reports off until I press the pushbutton(short the terminals) and then it reports ON until released. This only works if you have a CM15A connected via USB. For my application, the Powerflash will work, the problem is getting the ON/OFF state fast enough. Is there any other way to poll other than plcquery?



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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2010, 02:29:13 PM »

BTW, it says nothing in the Docs about having to be connected to the CM15A either, as a matter of fact, I have been begging X-10 for a list that would describe what you need to use device X. I have, on many occations bought a device, only to find out later, I needed something else to make it work!!!!

-Bill- (of

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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2010, 09:44:47 PM »


If you are writing software using the AHP SDK, you will have to have either a CM15 or CM19 connected to the computer to receive signals.

If that is the case, what you're looking for is RecvAction.  Check the AHP SDK.  Basically, it is an event for which you will have to create an event handler, and any time the CM receives anything, it will jump into your event handler with information on what was received.
-Bill- (of

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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2010, 09:55:57 PM »

You get all the data in the recAction in VB6 using the Active Home OCX but I am just finishing an MS Excel app that you will see on the Blog site. The X10Control.ocx and the X10Interface.ocx work great in Excel but the ActiveHome.ocx will send data out but will not recvdata, The RecAction event never fires. I can read every module I have tested with the X10Control.ocx and the X10Interface controls reads each one without problem. The PowerFlash is the only one that the X10Control.ocx and the X10Interface.ocx don't see. BTW, you will be amazed at what you will be able to do with this MS Excel application. all you need is MS Excel installed on your computer, even if you know nothing about MS Excel you will be able to do things that just are not available in AHP.



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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2010, 09:59:17 PM »

BTW Bill, I have been developing applications using the SDK since it came out. Believe me, I know it's bugs inside and out. I am currently working
on a new driver so the SDK won't be required and you will be able to do more things.

-Bill- (of

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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2010, 10:05:48 PM »

BTW Bill, I have been developing applications using the SDK since it came out. Believe me, I know it's bugs inside and out. I am currently working
on a new driver so the SDK won't be required and you will be able to do more things.

That's funny, so have I, and I've never had difficulty getting RecvAction to work.   :'

Well, enough  B:( 

You have fun.   >*<
-Bill- (of

In the real world, the only constant is change.

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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2010, 10:16:48 PM »

So far Excel VBA is the only language that I have found that recAction doesn't work in.

Brian H

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Re: Has anyone used PL513 and TW523 modules?
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2010, 06:20:29 AM »

Just to verify.
You did see the post in the SDK area on a new version being released.
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